
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First day of class!

Today is the first official day of me being a college student!!! I am excited, nervous, and ready all at the same time! I've wasted too much time on people and other things that don't really matter, and now I will put that energy into my classes!

Turning in the first assignment was such a great moment for me! It was just an introduction of myself, but I felt great getting it done and getting it turned in on time! I have already completed the other assignments for this week, and will be turning them in soon! It just feels great getting started!

My husband also starts his first class today, as a way of support and to further his own education. It's wonderful that we are taking this step together! I feel grateful because he has been such a huge supporter of this decision and stands behind me!

I am also grateful to the other family and friends I have standing behind me and supporting my decision to go back to school. With them supporting me, my desire to do it and my new decrease in distractions, this is going to be a wonderful journey! I can't wait until my kids are old enough to understand it and see me doing this! I think it will be great motivation to them!

Guess I should probably get these other assignments turned in and ready for the rest of my day! I will be sure to write again soon!

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