
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sick kids :(

Today decided to be the day that both my kids get sick. I don't think they have ever been sick together, normally a few days apart, so a new experience for me. Guess there is a first time for everything, especially as a parent.

When I went to get Darien from school, they were both fine. Came home, started a movie, had a snack and I checked my email. We were home for about 15 minutes and all of a sudden, Adrien was extremely hot and just starring at the tv. He was responsive, but mainly just by looking at you and saying "NO". The heat radiating off him was enough to make me sweat when I held him for just a couple of moments. I quickly got him some tylenol, and with a forehead thermometer, got a 102 temp. reading. I decided to go buy a thermometer I could use for a rectal temp, since they are more accurate.

When I got back from the store and took his rectal temp, it was 102.8. I gave him some motrin and gave it some time. About 40 minutes after giving him motrin, his temp had gone up to 103.2. So, I said 20 more minutes and I'd check again. Checked again and it was back to 102.8. This is scary for me because this is the highest temp I have dealt with as a mom. That, and with him being perfectly content in the same spot on the couch for hours when he is normally my "can't sit still" child, I really worried.

So, instead of putting them in their rooms, I decided to pull out the couch bed and let them sleep there. Then Darien started complaining of not feeling well. Of course, I thought it was because Adrien was getting all the attention and he wanted some back, so I kinda ignored it. Though, I did touch him and he didn't seem warm to me, so I figured he was for sure just wanting the attention. Nope, not long after he said he didn't feel good, he was running a fever. His isn't as high as Adriens, but it was 101.8 rectal, so enough to warrant some motrin. About 35 minutes later he was 100.9. So, still a slight temp, but down quite a bit from what it was.

Now, its just after 11pm and my kids JUST fell asleep. I sure hope they sleep in a little bit, otherwise tomorrow is going to be a VERY long day. They should sleep in at least a little bit, as I have all the windows and rolladens closed so the sun won't wake them up! More than I could say if they were in their rooms.

It's not time for me to hit the hay so that if they happen to not sleep in, at least I got some sleep. Night!

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