
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Positive Power

How many times have you heard that misery loves company? I know I have heard it, and said it, more times that I'd care to count. It's such a true statement, and I see it everyday.

I've rarely ever heard statements about positivity and what that does. Though, I am starting to see it in my life. Positivity has a way of rubbing off on people and you start seeing more smiles.

Because I had such a negativity towards, well, just about everything, my days seemed to consist of lots of crying, whining and fighting. Not just from me, but my husband and my children. The house just seemed to scream all the time. Not anymore!!!

I haven't ever seen my kids as happy as they have been the last few days! They play more, laugh more, smile more and even hug and kiss me more!!! Just me feeling better has caused a chain reaction into them and they are feeling more positive too!

Its been a great feeling seeing my kids in such a different light. Knowing that they are happy and have fun is even more reason for me to be that much happier! I see how far Adrien has come with his talking, and how smart Darien is. It's just amazing the things you notice, and the thing that happen, when you feel good!

The one I have to thank the most for all of this is God. He has given me life again! I believe that he gave me my boys to help guide me back to him, and gave me all my troubles to use them for something important! He will now be the guide to my new adventures, and I expect they will be tough, but worth every single moment! All I can do is smile because I know with God, I have the positive power!

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