
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Grandparents Day!

In honor of Grandparents Day, I am writing this to my grandmother, Barbara A. Aubin.


Even though you are no longer with me, you are still a very large driving force in my life. You were one of the people who always believed in me no matter what I was doing wrong. You gave me more chances that a lot of people would, and continued to encourage me to do better. Unconditional love was always flowing from you. To this day, I still try to answer the question, “what would grandma say?” when making life decisions.

You lived long enough to see me get married, and even though that marriage ended, it’s something I am glad you were here for. After you left us, I had a hard time dealing with the everyday life, to include my, then, marriage. I divorced him, but quickly found my soul mate. I wish you would have lived to meet him, because you would have understood just why I am so in love with him.

You haven’t met my children, and I wish you could. They are amazing and you’d probably laugh because they are so much like me. They drive me crazy but make my life so much more beautiful. I know that they’d love you just as much as I did because you are just that amazing.

I miss our Sunday talks, and still sometimes have to remind myself that I can’t call you. We used to talk about anything and everything. You’d share your wisdom and give me advice. You’d tell me when I was messing up and when I was doing a great job. Sometimes I wish I could just hear you tell me one more time that you love me, and you hear me say it too.

When you started taking a turn for the worst, I had planned on getting home to see you. Unfortunately, I didn’t get there in time. I remember mom calling me to let me know you had gone to take a nap and was not waking back up. I felt like piece of my heart broke off and was lost forever. I did everything I could to be strong and hope for the best, but you never did wake up. A couple days later, I was back home, a week too late.

The day of your service, it took 4 tries and a little force from Larry to even get myself into the room. I remember mom telling me that you looked beautiful and I disagreed and said you’d look better alive. It was a selfish comment, but how I felt at the time. I know it wasn’t true, but all I wanted was for you to sit up and talk to me. You did look very beautiful and very peaceful, no matter how much I wished it wasn’t so. The service itself was beautiful, and you obviously had lots of people who loved you.

I know we all took it pretty hard, mom and I especially. I still have very difficult days, though I don’t often share that with anyone. You will always be a driving force in my life, and I hope I can make you proud. I can’t wait until my kids are old enough to understand so that I can tell them about you. Though, they will know a lot since they do have mom as a grandma.

I love and miss you more than anyone will ever understand. I will see you again someday.

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