
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Monday, September 27, 2010

WHEW... what a trip

So, traveling from Germany to the US alone with two children was NOT my brightest idea. Though, now that we are here and the hassle is over, it was definitely worth it!

We made our first attempt Saturday afternoon. We got our boarding passes and even made it through security before being told the flight was rescheduled for the following morning due to a fuel leak. I wasn't too happy, but what could I do? Just show back up the next day and hope we got out.

We got to the terminal the next morning and waited about 2 hours before even being able to go through security again. Then, waited about another hour or so to get on the bus to go to the plane. Then, got on the bus, drove out to the plane and had to wait about 30 minutes for them to clean out the lavatory. Got on the plane and it was about another 30 minutes before we even started to move. Quite a wait.

Now, just imagine me with 2 kids, a double stroller, 4 carry on bags, a sleeping bag, booster seat, blankets, pillows, sweaters and a lap top. Lots of stuff, not near enough hands. Though, very thankful for another couple with 2 older kids that helped me a great deal. It was definitely a stressful process.

Once we were in the air, it was pretty smooth sailing. Because we flew in a C-17, the kids got to get up and walk around and were even able to lay down on the floor. They did pretty well with it.

The flight was about 10 hours, and at the end of it, I think we were all about at our wits end. Getting ready for decent, Adrien was pretty irritated. He didn't like having to sit still, and just screamed. I ended up in tears. The couple who had been so awesome to help me, ended up noticing even though I was really trying to hide it, asked if they could take Adrien and help with him. I am not real big on letting random people have my kids, though I was thankful for the 2 minutes I got to breath.

They took him, and he screamed the whole time. I took just enough time to breath and regroup before taking him back. As soon as I got him back, he fell asleep in my arms until we landed.

We landed in a weather advisory, heavy rain and lightening within 5 miles. We have to wait another 30 minutes for Customs to come out and brief us and whatnot. Then, get off the plane to ride the bus to the terminal. Wait 30 minutes for luggage, and then find a way to the hotel.

A very nice retired couple offered to take us to the hotel since it was raining. As we are packing up the car, it starts pouring like no ones business. The back seat of the car was completely soaked, along with ALL of our stuff. Even some of the stuff inside the suitcases were wet because it just came down so hard and so fast.

We get to the hotel, and the rain had settled a little. After I got the kids inside and they were getting our bags, it began to pour again. That means, the stuff that was already soaked, got even more soaked. I wasn't able to use my laptop because everything was so wet.

The night went pretty easy, though. Got the kids relaxed and asleep by 1030. Darien and I were up around 530am, but Adrien slept until about 7. I think we were all fairly well rested and had a nice morning just hanging out.

THEN, I thought I'd have a meltdown. Because I flew right into the base and had a ride to the hotel, I had no reason to use a cab service. Well, thankfully I didn't have to because what a hassle that was.

I had a friend in town to get me, though I would have to go to the visitors center to get her on base, but that meant needing a ride up there. Then I thought I could just get a cab to take us and all our stuff and just meet them somewhere and go from there. Because of all our stuff, we needed a van or something of similar size. The few that had a van weren't available for 2 hours, another couldn't even get on base and the other I would have to call to let the gate know I called a cab. If I had to do this for a cab, why couldn't I just do that for my friend. Well, thats the military bases for ya.

So, finally I get a cab to come get me and take me to the gate to get my friend on base. Get there and had to wait a bit for them to get a fax of the insurance and registration. Because of the new way of doing things in GA, they aren't required to have those in the car and I didn't think to tell them before hand. Once they got that, we got on base and got all my stuff.

The trip from Charleston to Covington was pretty calm and smooth. Only 2 stops, and the kids barely made a fuss. Adrien slept for about half the ride, and Darien just watched movies. Very different from the flight.

But, I must say, even with all the hassle and headache, I am glad I decided to come. Just 1 day here and I already feel much better. The kids have just been playing and having fun with Jennifer's kids. They all seem to get along well, and keep each other busy.

Now we are getting ready to go to bed! Can't wait to update more with photos!!!

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