
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 2 Day 1

Today officially starts my 2nd week of being a college student. I am feeling pretty darn good about it, and glad I made the choice to start! I am still sure its going to get harder, but I am excited for this experience.

In middle school, I was a pretty good student. I normally made the honor roll and was in advanced math. I got in trouble a few times, but my grades were always pretty good. I wish I had know then what I know now.

When I got to high school, things changed. I started to be more interested in boys and parties and ignored school work. I rarely ever did my homework and slept in class, and that was if I even showed up to school. I was always getting in trouble, being in detention and Saturday school. It was definitely an experience.

Well, because of my lack of concern for school, I graduated high school a year late, and barely at that. Though, I give myself credit for graduating at all because it would have been a lot easier to just give up and drop out. Instead, that last year I actually tried. And though I still barely made it, I did it and I am proud I stuck with it.

So, going to college wasn't much of an option for me at the time. I knew I could barely handle high school, I could only imagine what college would have been like. So, I joined the military instead.

With the discipline I gained from the military, even though it wasn't much, I feel now is a good time to give it a go. I have waited long enough and made enough excuses that I have run out of time and excuses not to go. Plus, I hope this will show my kids that school is important and that I think enough of it to choose to go back. I want to be a good role model for them, and I think this is a good way to be one.

The people in the class have all different reasons for going back to school, but the common thing I find is that we are all there to better ourselves. It's interesting to see everyone's reason and motivations and get a wide understanding of what drives people. They seem like friendly folks, and have made this experience, so far, a great one.

I have been complimented on my writing, being told that it looks like I am dedicated to my work. I know I could use a bit of education for writing, but it makes me feel good that other people notice my efforts. I might even end up looking over this blog over the years and see a noticeable improvement in my writing. That would be pretty awesome to see.

I hope that there are some people who continue on this journey with me and also notice improvements along the way. I can't wait to look back and see how far I can take this!

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