
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Whew, it's cold

WOW. It's pretty darn cold outside! Snow on the ground, freezing temperatures and lots more snow predicted. I knew I was coming home to this, but I haven't quite adjusted to it yet. It seems like it's starting a whole lot sooner than it did last year, and getting a lot more at once than last year. It's very pretty though, just wish I didn't have to go out in it.

One thing, about being gone for so long, is coming back and needing to make tons of appointments that I wasn't able to do while in the states. I've already made 3 appointments and still have a handful or so more to make. This pretty much means that once my car is completely fixed, I have to drive myself to this stuff.

Now, I am from FL. I had never even seen snow until last year. So, driving in it, ha. I am definitely not comfortable with it, so I will be doing as much as I can to either have the hubby take me or get everything done around the same time. I got away with only having to drive a handful of times last year, but not so sure I can make that happen this year. We will see.

With the colder weather comes warmer foods! The one thing I do love is stew. I will be making my beef stew this weekend! I can't wait! I already have everything I need, and I can already taste it!

I also plan on working on some little projects with the kids. Went out last night and got some construction paper and stuff to make decorations for the tree. We are also going to bake cupcakes and cookies together! We are going to be the non-traditional family who leaves cupcakes for Santa! Though, once Darien sees what Santa got for him, he will thank us for leaving cupcakes!!!

Anyway, it's cold outside and I have lots of stuff to finish up before our Holiday party tonight! Hope everyone is staying warm and enjoying their days! Until next time!

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