
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sick kids :(

Until the last 2 weeks or so, we had been pretty lucky with not getting more than the common cold! Probably had a lot to do with us being in the US until the end of November, but I was hoping with us being home more and not going out so much, we'd get lucky and skip the sickness. Ha, yeah right.

Not long after we got home I was having issues. Not sick, but pain and other symptoms. I ended up going to the ER and put on antibiotics and pain medication. Then, just about the time I was feeling better Darien starts complaining of his belly hurting. He threw up 2 nights in a row, no fever and no other symptoms, just the belly pain. Finally, after 5 days of him complaining, I took him to the ER. He was severely constipated (even though he had been pooping). He had to have 2 enemas done, which are by far my least favorite thing. Then, just as he is feeling better, Adrien starts having a fever. At first it was just a fever and tylenol was taking it down.

Today, however, tylenol did nothing for it. He cried ALL morning, between short naps, and was so hot he was his own little furnace. I called, but of course, no appointments available. So, I was told to take him to the ER because chances were they wouldn't have any tomorrow either. Well, even if they had some for tomorrow, I wasn't going to wait that long. I learned with Darien that I will no longer listen to my child tell me he is in pain and not do something about it right away. So, off to the ER we go.

When we first got there, his fever was 103.4. His heart rate was WAY higher than a normal heart rate and even the nurse could feel the heat radiating off him without even touching him. Because of how high his temperature was, they got him right in! They gave him motrin (which I didn't have at home) and that seemed to help almost immediately. The doctor came in, checked out his ears, and both ears are infected. The right ear is a lot worse than the left ear, which is why that was the ear he kept messing with. I knew before I took him in what it was, so thankfully it was pretty quick.

Since having the motrin, he has been in such better spirits. Not a single tear since coming home, at least not because of the pain. He's on antibiotics and will hopefully be back to his normal little self soon. It's so hard when the kids are not feeling well. I love their personalities and when they are ill, they aren't themselves.

I am hoping that this is it, at least until after we move. We haven't gone out too much, staying away from people who are sick and staying out of crowded places for the most part. I don't go shopping unless I NEED something, so maybe we can keep the yucky sicknesses from hitting us! If not, guess it will be dealt with, but one can hope.

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