
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Can you believe it?!

Can you believe it? Christmas is knocking at our doors, already! This year has really flown by. I remember it seemed to drag in some parts, but really, I can't believe it's already Christmas. I can definitely say that my LONG trip to the states really helped pass a lot of time, making Christmas seem to come a lot quicker.

I am really missing my family and closest friends in the states right now. I remember Christmas being family dinner and gift exchanges and lots of laughter. I really miss that. This year, we are starting our own little traditions, with the memory of what we've had and what we'd like to do as "our own".

Christmas morning is just for our family. This year we will not only be giving them lost of neat presents, but sharing the real story of Christmas! They are still very young, and it might not sink in right away, but at least we can tell them about it and hope to raise them knowing that Christmas isn't about the presents you get, it's about Christ and celebrating his life!

Family dinner is a must! Though, it's not blood family that we get to share it with now, it's our military family here in Germany. We have some friends coming over for a yummy feast! Turkey, stuffing, mashed taters, chocolate and banana pudding pies, apple pie, cranberry sauce and whatever else people are bringing over! I can't wait!

I am really excited to see the kids' faces when they wake up Christmas morning! They have no idea what they are in for this year! We did a lot more than we originally intended on doing, but they deserve it! They've been really good this year, just being the awesome little boys they are!

Another thing this week brings for us is deciding to move! Because my car is crapped out again, I've decided it's best if we live on base. I love my current house, but getting anywhere from up here is tough not having a car. And, waking the boys up at 0630 to take hubby to work and have to come home before doing anything isn't my idea of a good day. At least with living on base we will have parks within walking distance and people around all the time so the kids should hopefully have a few new friends! We accepted a house today and will be moving next month! I am excited!

Though, moving on base brings a few challenges. We have to downsize, big time. Next week will begin my frantic cleaning and getting rid of things. We have way too much and we won't fit in the new place with it all. Luckily our furniture is fine, its the little things that we have to part with. I have a basement full of appliances and stuff that we haven't used, old clothes and stuff. Just got to get all those boxes emptied and out before the movers come!

That's all my news for now! I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!!!

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