
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Almost a new year

What a weekend!!! Friends, food, gifts and lots of laughs have been shared! And we aren't done yet. Still waiting on a few things through the mail from family and then our Christmas will finally be complete!

We don't normally splurge on things, but I think this year we went all out, especially for the kids. All the cool stuff that they got will keep them happy for quite a while! I am excited to get to play with them and all their cool new stuff, and to take them out on their awesome new hot wheels when weather permits it!

Hubby and I had originally said we wouldn't buy more than simple stocking stuffers for each other, just focus more on the kids, but of course, that didn't happen. I got some pretty awesome stuff, and stuff I had considered getting for myself very soon! New gloves, scarf, velcro body towel and matching robe!!! And of course some nice new earrings that I can change up with different outfits! He didn't get as cool of stuff, but he got some much needed shirts. Plus, I think our new TV can be counted as a gift for us all!

Now we just wait for the last box of things from the family in the states and we will be done with Christmas! I am excited to show the boys what they got from everyone, and ready to see it all myself! I know what it all is, but seeing it in person will be so much better!

Now, we start to get ready for the new year! I am not one to make resolutions because I never stick to them, but the new year brings all sorts of new things! We are moving toward the end of January, hopefully paying off a lot of our debt with taxes and getting back onto the right track with our finances! School is bringing up a lot of new ideas for me also. I am rethinking my major already and even considering changing schools to get better benefits from it.

The only other thing the new year is going to bring, that I am sure of, is a new attitude about myself! I am already working on it and seeing a lot of changes in myself, so I will continue to work hard and be a better person, wife, mother and friend! I am going to start going to the gym, work on quitting smoking and try to get back into the shape I was before I had my kids! If I can do that, I am doing wonderful!!!

What does the new year bring for you?

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