
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Sent from God!

Sometimes people are put in your life for short periods of time, long periods of time or for forever. Though, there is someone who has been part of my life off and on since 2003. We met while we were both in the military and were friends right away. We've had really great times together as friends, but we've also had times of not being friends. Through our ups and downs, we somehow find ourselves back together, even if only through the internet and phone!

I think a lot of our ups were because we do share a lot in common. Our goals and dreams have the same desired outcome, a happy and healthy family and a life we can be proud of. Though,a lot of our downs are due to that as well. For a long time we had different thoughts on how to reach those goals, and sometimes those thoughts collided and caused for some clashing of personalities. Though, now we seem be on the same page and the same sort of ideas on how to reach our goals.

Now, a little background before I dive right into whats going on right now. When I was leaving San Antonio to come to Germany, I had a going away party. Unfortunately Adrien had gotten sick and I let people know to give them the choice of still coming. She was pregnant and had her son to think about, so she said she probably wouldn't be able to make it with the family. Though, she said she'd try to stop by to at least see us off. She didn't. I was hurt, frustrated and took it WAY to personally. A couple days later, I wrote a blog on myspace, thinking she wouldn't see it, a over exaggerated the situation. Well, she did see it and talk about a blow out fight. It was bad. So bad that even when I sent her a message weeks later, she still wanted nothing to do with me. So for over a year and a half, we hadn't spoken to each other.

So, fast forward to about 5 months ago, when I decided to turn my life back over to Christ. I was getting all sorts of crazy signs, and answered prayers out of nowhere, and she happened to be one of them. A few weeks after I made this choice, I received a message from her. To be honest, when I first saw her name, I didn't even want to open it. I was nervous as to why after so long she'd write me, and worried about what it might say. Well, I opened it anyway, and it wasn't at all what I expected. It was her showing concern for something that had happened to me. I wrote back, but left it short and simple so that if that was all she wanted, it could be done, but she wrote back again. Responses getting longer and longer, and before I knew it, we were on the phone.

Well, now that we've been talking for a while and really getting to know each other again, I believe God has put her back in my life for a reason. She is a God fearing woman herself, and she's one that won't sugar coat her opinions for me. She will give me advice on how to live the life I want to live, and be brutally honest as to how I could change certain things I choose to do. The best thing is, she doesn't try to tell me that I have to change myself, just have to change choices I make. Some people might think this is too much, but she doesn't give unwanted advice, she does ask first, but when I want it, I take it. Sometimes brutal honesty is the best, and I know that I need it.

We've been through a lot together, so she knows my history and knows how quickly I can be thrown off when around the wrong people. She doesn't judge me for past choices, but is there now to help me make better choices. I hope we continue to be Sister's in Christ, as I think I could learn a lot from her and we could really be great friends now that we are both on the path to Heaven!

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