
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Lately my writing has been short, chaotic and not well revised. I am hoping that I will get back to the better writing I know I can do very soon! Between school, traveling and now, trying to get back into the swing of things at home, I just haven't had the time or focus to do as well as I'd like. Just bear with me as I get through the adjustment of being back home, and through the sickness that is now running through my house.

Coming home has been great, but now, because of the drastic difference in weather, we are getting sick. I woke up this morning feeling completely gross, and the kids are sounding a lot worse. I should be used to this, anytime I ever travel I end up sick. Especially on long trips, and I would say that the last 2 or so weeks that I was in the US, I definitely was on a long trip. In that time, we'd gone from FL to GA, GA to NC and NC to VA. Then came back here. That's quite a bit for such a short time period.

Florida barely cooled off before we left. It was getting cool at night, but day temperatures were still in the high 70's-low 80's. GA was much different, though a bit cooler at night. NC was much cooler all around, but nice enough in the day time that a light long-sleeve shirt was enough. VA was about the same, until the last couple of days when a jacket was necessary unless standing in direct sunlight. So, coming home to snow and temperatures in the teens has definitely thrown our immune systems for a loop.

I knew going into the trip that I'd be dealing with the FL heat and the VA cold, so packing was interesting. I had to pack summer clothes and winter clothes to make sure we were clothed properly in each place we were going. It was quite a bit, especially with as long as we were going to be gone. And, let me say that traveling with that much stuff, 2 small children and doing it by myself was quite a task. A task that I will never willingly do again. If I had taken less, that would have been one thing, but I took WAY too much.

We ended up packing 3 good size boxes to mail to ourselves. I'd accumulated enough stuff that we had to, otherwise we'd not have gotten everything back. This is including getting 2 new large suitcases to travel with on the way home. Though, one suitcase I went with got trashed in FL, but it was a smaller one. At least Filip was with me on the way back because I don't know if I would have survived that trip alone.

Now we are home, sick and trying to get back into our own routines. We have so much that we want to do, along with getting ready for Christmas, so it's been interesting. I think we are adjusting pretty well, other than the colds, and it's just a matter of time before we are completely on track!

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