
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We're Home!

Sitting here in my bed, freshly showered, I remember just how much I really love this place. Yes, the shower and the bed are what remind me of it. Maybe I have just gotten used to it, but it just seems like no one else had a shower that could compare. No worries about when the hot water is going to run out, perfect water pressure, and nice quietness to soak up along with it!

My bed, well, who doesn't miss their own bed after being away from it for a while. Just sitting in it makes me want to close my eyes and fall asleep, though I am fighting it so not to fall asleep TOO early. It's just so darn comfortable, and now with the new down comforter we have, it's just that much better! I am loving it!

Tomorrow starts our real lives again. Hubby goes back to work and I go back to being alone with the kids all day. I am definitely not complaining, but it's a lot since we just got back today. I am looking forward to having the boys all to myself for the day and getting to really spend some quality time with them.

One stop we made before coming home was to the BX. I picked up some muffin pans, cookie cutters and a Christmas candy making kit. Stuff we can use to do different projects and activities together over the next couple weeks! I am really excited because Darien just loves doing these kinds of things and I love to see my boys smile! I think Adrien will be more about making the decorations for the tree, which will go up this weekend!

I am glad to be home! Now, it's time to really enjoy my own space, my own time and the quiet that surrounds me! Night!

1 comment:

  1. Fine, Fine... welcome "home". LOL I'm glad you are settled in and already relaxing. Seems like a million years ago that you left Germany to come to the states. And a million things have happened since then. All of a sudden you're right back where it all started. So much has changed. Now I want to know what it feels like to fly into Germany and take a shower at your house!! :D


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