
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thankful for...

With Thanksgiving, my absolute favorite holiday, fast approaching I thought I'd write a little about the things I am thankful for. Especially with some of the recent events of my life, I am finding myself thankful for things I once took for granted. My life is far from perfect, but I have many blessings to thank the good Lord for.

The first thing I am thankful for is the love of Christ. Knowing that no matter what I have done, I can enjoy the unconditional love He gives me.

I am extremely thankful for my husband. He has been one of the most loving, forgiving, faithful, honest and just amazing men I have ever known. Our journey together hasn't been easy, and will always have good and bad, but he's worth it. I don't think I have ever felt as grateful for him as I do now, and I can't believe I got so darn lucky to find a man who takes me with all my flaws and still loves me enough to go to the lengths he has gone to show me! He has truly been amazing!

I am also thankful for my children. They have brought laughs, love and joy into our lives. Every day the continue to amaze me, and filling my heart with more and more love. They are the greatest kids anyone could ask for, and I am so lucky to be their mommy!

I am thankful for the family and friends who have truly stood by me. Those that are there even when I am acting a fool, just being there for me and letting me figure things out for myself. The friends and family that listen and open their hearts and arms when needed, and say just the right things that help me through whatever is going on. Without them, I'd be lost somewhere in my own world.

I am thankful for all the men and women who give their lives for our country. All the military and their families, constantly sacrificing every day for the freedoms of all Americans.

I am thankful for the fact we do have an income, food and shelter. We are far from rich, but we survive and get to live a little. I am able to buy things for my children that they want, even some for myself. Many people take this ability for granted, but I am blessed that we are not struggling everyday just to feed ourselves.

I haven't listed every single thing I am thankful for, though I'd be here all night if I tried. I am blessed to have the things I have, and will forever be thankful for the things I have.

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