
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thankful for things I don't have

Just as everyone I know, I have the bad habit of getting caught up in the things I want but don't have. Too many times I have allowed myself to become depressed or belittle myself to gain those things, almost always finding that I never wanted that to begin with. Sometimes I like it for a little bit, but I quickly realize that I was trying to fill a void that still wasn't filled by that particular thing.

I have even been the person to completely change my life around, whether good or bad, thinking that I would gain something on the other side. It doesn't always happen that way and I am thankful that my life has still worked out to be where it is today. I don't want to say that I have any regrets, but I do realize that some choices were a bit rash and not thought about thoroughly.

You've heard the saying "the grass isn't always greener on the other side". Well, I believe it, and as I recently read somewhere "The grass does look greener on the other side, because it's fertilized with bull$%^*". Not exactly a phrase some people may like, but it is true.

I may not have all the things I would like to have, but when I really sit and think about it all, I have a lot more than I deserve. I haven't been the greatest person, I have lied, cheated, stolen and many other things that make me a sinner. Though, God, with his wonderful love for me (and every person), has blessed my life.

Since I do know that I am the person to focus on things I don't have, I am going to do that here. I am going to list things that I don't have, the only difference from my norm is that these are things I am thankful for. Maybe if I can start thinking of those things, I can see even more how wonderful my life really is.

The things I don't have, but am thankful for not having are:

A husband that beats me, lies to me and cheats on me
Kids that are out of control and bad behavior all of the time
Friends that use me every chance they get
Unpaid bills

It's a very short list, though I am sure there is many more I could list. It's just an example of how I am helping myself look at the positives of my life rather than the negative. No ones life is perfect, but having God, an amazing husband, great kids and awesome family and friends are what make life worth living!

1 comment:

  1. I am feeling inspiration.... I may be writing soon!!

    I'm thankful for you! :)


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