
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

School update!!!

I keep forgetting to post more about school. I have actually told myself a few times that I need to write an update, but I never remember. Well, school is going great and I am excited to see how it continues.

Starting school, after being out of high school for over 7 years, was quite frightening. I wasn't that great in high school, so I was worried I wouldn't catch on too easily to college level assignments. Well, I have no only surprised myself, I have proven to myself that I really can do anything I set my mind to.

The last time I wrote, I was still in my first class. Well, I continued doing what I had to do, feeling nervous the entire way. The other students would comment on my work, making me feeling pretty good about how I was doing. Though, when it came to the paper, I was feeling like I had no idea what I was doing. I was really concerned I wouldn't get full credit on the writing assignment, but I did and I passed the class with a 98%!!!

Class number 2 started immediately after, which was nerve racking. This class, the paper we had to write had to be in APA format, which I had no idea what that even was. I worked hard, did my best and just tried. The discussions were a lot harder work, and the other students didn't seem to really respond to my work the same as the first class did. I had a couple that would comment, but not too many.

Then, in week 3 of the class, I get an e-mail from the course instructor letting me know that I am doing great with my work and to keep it up. That felt really amazing. I had been so worried that I was just really doing the minimum, but knowing that the instructor had noticed my effort was awesome to me.

I really started to get worried about the paper when the feedback I got was saying that certain things were APA style and I thought I had done it all correctly. I was getting nervous, though for no reason. Finally, I asked Filip for help, which I should have done sooner, and he showed me how to fix it. Other than those little things, I had a pretty strong paper. I made a few word choice changes, but that was about it. Overall, the general feedback of the paper was that it was strong and made good points.

I was so nervous turning the paper in for the final time, waiting for that final grade. When I was finally able to log on and see, I had gotten full credit for the paper, with great comments about my writing! I felt so great!!! That put me at a final grade of 96%!!! Though, in college, the number doesn't matter, I just know I have a 4.0 GPA as it stands, and that's mighty exciting!!!

I haven't started my next class yet, decided to put it on hold until we get back to Germany. With the holidays and traveling to see family all over, it just wasn't a good time to start an English class. I'd like to make sure I can focus and really give it my entire effort, and I wouldn't be doing that right now. I am excited to get back to it though, as I am finding that it can be mighty interesting. I will keep everyone informed!!!


  1. Sometimes I wish I could do school. But it'd just be one more thing taking me away from my kids. I'm gonna wait a few more years. You're doing great!!! I'm so proud of you!!

  2. i just started my first class yesterday and its a little nerve racking! i hope you are doing well, and i know that you can do whatever you put your mind to!!


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