
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

People to be thankful for

As you may be able to tell, I am focusing on things I am thankful for this week. I am glad to have this time to sit and focus on them, though I am going to try to make it more of a daily thing rather than once a year. Even through the hard times, my life is definitely something to be thankful for, especially when I know just how much worse it could be. I've made a lot of bad choices in life, but I've also made a lot of good choices which has led me to where I am now.

Today, I want to focus on the people in my life that I am truly thankful for. The first, and most important person is God. With him in my life, I have been able to have a fresh start, not only for myself, but for and with my family. His unconditional love and forgiveness has been a major blessing for me and everyone around me!

My husband, who has been absolutely amazing to me. He has been a rock in my life, no matter how bad things have gotten for me. He has been with me through my best and worst moments of life the last 5 years, and he will never realize how truly thankful I am to have him as my husband.

My children, who fill my life with laughter and joy. Having them has brought new meaning to my life, and I enjoy every minute of being their mommy.

My mom, who has been an amazing shoulder and influence in my life. She is one of the few people I can rely on no matter the circumstances and know she will always be there for me.

My sister, who even though we quarrel like sisters, has always had my back. Through good and bad, she has been there for me. We are not only sisters, we are friends. Life has definitely been a roller coaster of emotions with her, but I am grateful that she is my sister and couldn't imagine my life without her in it.

My friend Laura, who I have been friends with since middle school. We've had our ups and downs, but she has truly been the best friend a person can have. I know I can tell her anything, good or bad, and not be judged or mocked. We can confide our hard times in each other, but share our good times together!

My friend Penny, who even though I don't talk to nearly as much as I'd like, has always been a good influence in my life. She has always had my best interests at heart and doesn't tell me what I want to hear, but what I NEED to hear. She's one of those people that I am blessed to know, and even more blessed to be able to call a friend.

My friend Jennifer, who has been a light and leader in my life. With her guidance and support, I have been led back to God and his ways. She has been someone I can call (or write) when things are tough and know that my secrets are safe and not be judged. She's been a driving force in me wanting to be a better person and to not take everything so seriously. No matter the topic or circumstance, I can tell her anything and know that I will get an ear to listen, good Godly advice and no bad judgement even if she doesn't agree with my choices. She opened up her house and life to my family, showing me that not everyone is how I perceived the general population to be. If she hadn't stepped in when she did, sharing her love for Christ and what it did in her life, I don't think I'd be where I am today! I am very thankful for her and everything she has done for me and my life!

Other family and friends that have been there for me. I would be here all night if I tried to name every single person by name, but know that I am thankful for anyone and everyone who has ever passed through my life. Every experience and encounter with people is part of what made me who I am today. Every person made some kind of difference in my life, and those differences have brought me to a place that I am happy for all of it! I may never talk to some again, whether their choice or mine, but I will never forget what they taught me in their own ways to help me through life. Whether the lessens were learned in good or bad, every lessen has it's purpose and every person was there to teach me a lessen. So, if you are reading this, you have probably at some point known me personally and I am grateful for the lessens I learned through knowing you.

Take the time to really give thanks to those people in your life that you are thankful for. Let them know how thankful you are, and try to remind them more than just this time of year. Until next time.

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