
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Tonight I am going to write about how thankful I am for Facebook. It may be a weird thing to be thankful for, but it's been a pretty amazing thing for me. Without internet at all, I'd have very little contact with family and friends while living in Germany. Facebook has just been the major tool to keep me connected to everyone, and reconnecting with people from years ago.

With Facebook, I have been able to stay in touch, share photos and chat with family and friends I want to have constant contact with. Sharing pictures means that they can see how our family is growing and changing. We chat and send messages keep up with each others lives. I think I would be pretty lost without it.

It's also allowed me to connect with people from the past, which has been quite amazing. People I haven't seen or heard from for YEARS are able to contact me and we start building new relationships again. Like Jennifer, the light that led me back to Christ. Without Facebook, she may not have reached out to me like she did, and I am extremely grateful for that.

There's also Sara, Jennifer (a different Jennifer than mentioned above) and other people that were part of my past that found me on Facebook and reached out to me. Sara is someone who was from the recent past and just happened to message me, sparking a new relationship. Jennifer is someone I hadn't seen for 13 or so years, and we've been chatting.

It's so crazy because I am finding that most people have also taken steps to change their own lives, and are people who seem to be a good force in my life. The people I think would be a negative force are the ones I ignore and try to keep out. I have been able to open up to people through Facebook, which allows me to feel connected to people even when there are hundreds of miles between us.

Having Facebook has definitely helped keep me in touch with people, and allowed me to have some sort of relationship with the people who I want in my life. I am thankful for that, and will continue to count my blessings that I have that tool available to me.

1 comment:

  1. oh oh oh!!!! me to!!! we havent talked in 10 years! im soooo happy we are able to now and reconnect as hold friends from highschool!! I remember sittin in i think mr.luvalls class with you...Crazy times but once again im so glad we found each other and you have such a beautiful family


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