
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year, New Beginnings

Today is the last day of 2013.  The year has sure flown by, seems each year goes quicker and quicker.  And as we bring the year to it's closing, I look back and feel extremely blessed!  I won't say it's been the best year of my life but it has definitely been a year of growth and maturation.

I don't think I have a "best" year of my life.  Every year has it's up and downs, just some years had more than others.  Just as some years the downs won my emotions more than the ups did, it happens.  However, this year I feel that there were more ups than downs and that I handled the downs much better than in previous years.

2013 in reflection:

We made a second international move from Germany to Illinois.
We got to visit family in VA, NC and FL for the first time in years.
We found a wonderful new church and church family.
I finally started attending CR and made 6 months sobriety from the habit I went there for (it's really more than that but I am only counting from the time I actually started attending). 
I've met and began friendships with some pretty amazing women!
I have more confidence than I ever had before.
My marriage is the strongest it's ever been.
I am still taking college classes, and doing very well!
I've learned a lot about myself, my family and the people I've surrounded myself with.
I've learned better ways to cope with stress.
I've learned to take responsibility for myself and my actions.

Jorden and Jonathen have both given us serious health scares.
I've grown as a mom, a woman, a friend and a Christian!
There really is so much that has happened this year, many very small things, that have helped me grow in maturity and spirituality. 

To me, each new year is a new beginning for personal and spiritual growth.  Each new year is a beginning for me to continue changing my life for the better. 

So, I have stopped making New Years resolutions.  Really, who ever sticks to them anyway?  I never have.  I have made so many resolutions and get through, maybe, a few weeks and it's over.  I stopped making resolutions years ago, because I knew it was nothing more than a broken promise to myself.

Instead of a resolution, I will make a vow.  A vow to continue growing and seeking God in everything that I do.  A vow to try harder to be a better follower of Christ.  I am not perfect and I know I will still make mistakes.  But as long as I am trying and as long as my heart is truly seeking God, then I know I am doing the best I can! 

If I focus on God and His will for my life, each year can only get better and better!  So, I reflect on 2013 with a smile knowing that I have had a wonderful year despite the hardships.  And I look forward to 2014 with hope because I know God is in my life!

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