
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Faith is more than belief, it is OBEDIENCE!

Growing up I heard all about God and the Bible.  I even heard stories that were told as Bible stories that do not exist within the Bible.  However, I did grow up believing in God.  Believing that God sent His son, Jesus, to die as our savior.  I believed in it all.  But, I never really understood what it meant to have faith.  I am learning a lot now as I walk closer to God and following the word.

Tonight's sermon touched on the meaning of faith.  I love that the pastor said that faith isn't just believing, it's about being obedient.  You can say you believe the Word, you can talk all day about what you know, but do you obey it?  You can listen to the Word, you can listen to people tell you stories and you can read the Bible all day long.  But do you search for meaning, do you live your life in God's honor, pleasing Him and following His commands?

If you don't follow the commands, how do you prove your belief in His word?  It is foolish to know what is taught and not want to follow it.

Matthew 7:24-27 (NLT) says: Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock, Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won't collapse because it is built on bedrock. But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn't obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.

As our sermon said, this has multiple meanings.  Life has storms.  Trust me, I have been through some crazy hurricanes of life.  However, if you have a solid faith that includes truly living your life by God's commands, you will stay strong and be able to beat the storms.  However, if you waver in faith or choose not to follow His commands, you will find the walls closing in on you during the storms. 

Look at the storms that my life has been through.  There are many times the walls closed in on me.  My faith was non-existent and I was not strong enough.  That was how drugs and alcohol won me over.  It's how alcohol, sex and depression was the controlling factors of my life.  It's the reason I lost control and was off my rocker.  I had no real faith.  I believed in God, I believed in all I had heard about Him.  I just didn't want to follow His commands.  But, by not obeying, I was showing disbelief.  I was showing that I believed my flesh more than I believed Him.

Now look.  I've weathered some insane storms in my life since I have started to seriously relinquish my control over to God.  God never promised there wouldn't be storms, He only says that we can get through them.  And I have.  One of the worst storms of my life had the power to tear my entire life to pieces, but it didn't.  It didn't because I obeyed.  I followed what I believed was God's commands for me and I was blessed by a stronger marriage, an amazing support group that helps keep me focused on my walk with Christ and I am much happier and content with life that I've ever been!  That doesn't come just from believing, that has only come from my obedience!

So, if you say you believe but don't truly follow His word, then you are only telling the world that you don't really believe.  Because a true believer wants to follow His commands and wants to obey because it is what we are instructed to do.  We don't get to Heaven simply because we believe, we get to Heaven by being obedient.  I am choosing obedience!

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