
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Who do you think about when you think of family? I am sure most people would say spouse, children, siblings, parents, aunts and uncles, etc. Not me. When I think of family, I think of people that I have chosen to be a huge part of my life, that know the same or more about me than most relatives, and people that I love dearly.

I know many people, but I trust very few. I have been burned enough in my life that I really try to avoid it happening. It does still happen, but its just a natural part of life. Heck, even some relatives aren't past hurting their own blood, when I have people in my life that aren't blood and wouldn't do those same things.

Of course, the first people I think of when thinking of family are my husband and children. They are the closest people to me, and the ones I hold dearest. They really are the center of my universe. Without them, I would be lost. In all reality, they are the 3 people that know me the best, love me the best and that I love the absolute most!

Then, you have my mom, dad, sisters and other relatives. I am closest to my mom and younger sister, but I still love everyone of them. I may not be close to them, physically or emotionally, but they are family. Though my family hasn't always been perfect, we do have that 1 huge factor that ties us all together, blood.

My mom, along with my grandmother, have always been some of the greater female influences in my life. My grandmother passed away 5 years ago, and I still try to remember what she would say about certain things and try to listen to the advice I think she would give to me. My mom, though sometimes I don't agree, definitely doesn't hold back with her advice. Though, the one thing I will always know is that even when there is a time we don't agree, she will ALWAYS be there for me, just like she always has been!

Of course, then there is my little sister. We have an older brother and sister, but we weren't close. Our older sister was raised by her mom's mom, and our brother was raised with us, until my parents divorced. Plus, he was quite a bit older, so for the most part, it was just me and Shannon. Like many sisters, we didn't get along to well, but we always took up for each other and were always there when it really counted. There were times that she was the only person there for me, and times when there were other people there, but she was the only one that mattered. Even she may not realize those times herself, but I sure do, and I am truly grateful to have such a wonderful little sister!

After them, there are the people I CHOOSE to call family. They may not be related to me by blood, but we are as close, if not closer, than most sisters/brothers. This kind of relationship isn't just being friends, its being family. I have at least 3 women in my life that are just the most amazing women, and the lack of blood connection is the only difference I see from sisters.

Laura has been the longest friend I've had. Friends since middle school. There were of course bumps and curves in our relationship, though for any relationship, that is normal. Heck, my sister and I have had more bumps and sharper curves than Laura and I have ever had. There were times we didn't speak to each other, but we always went back to each other. She has been there through many rough times, and I have tried to be there for her rough times. To this day, no matter how little we get to talk, I still consider her my best friend/sister.

Penny came into my life in 2003, when we were both new to the Air Force. When we met, we didn't care much for each other, but that changed over time. Don't ask me when, because I can't tell you. All I know, is one day we didn't care for each other and the next day we were best friends. At least, that's sure how it seemed to happen. We spent so much time together, wanted or not, that we just grew on each other. Before we knew it, we were taking care of each other (more her taking care of me) and just being awesome together! She is also someone I consider my best friend/sister.

Then there is Leslie!!! We met in 2006, while we were both pregnant. I was pregnant with my 1st, and she with her 2nd. I had heard she was a bitch, so I was careful and weary around her at first, but the more and more I got to know her, she was pretty awesome! We have a lot in common about the way we think, and we understand each other quite well. I actually think she understands me better than my husband sometimes. We may not always see eye-to-eye, but we haven't let that get in the way of our friendship. We are able to give/receive each others opinion without thinking the other is being judgmental or an ass. Sometimes we misunderstand each other, or take something the wrong way, but the one thing I can count on is that we are able to approach each other and talk it out rather than getting upset and arguing. Another best friend/sister.

These women have each touched my life in a different way, but have all earned the same place in my heart! I can't be sure that they weren't just put in my life for a reason or season, but I sure know that I will remember them for LIFE! They are the 3 women I care the most about, aside from relatives of course. They are the friends that truly make me a better person and make me strive to be the greatest friend I can be. I miss them all immensely, and can't wait until I can see them all again! It sucks that one is in FL, one in TX about to move to AZ, and one in Japan. I only wish I had the money to visit all those places and see all 3 of them. Though, I am pretty certain that, one way or another, I will see all 3 of them again!

To the sisters that God forgot to give me, I love you all!!! I miss you, and I am always thinking of each of you!

There are other people in my life that I do consider to be family, and for many different reasons. And, there are a few people that I am really hoping to add to my list of family. Though, it is difficult trying to make that kind of connection to people. I don't trust easily, and when I do, if its broken, its extremely hard to get back. I have met a lot of wonderful people, and I only hope that my family will continue to grow throughout the years. And those people that I am still trying to build relationships with, I truly hope that someday, we can call each other family!

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