
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Beautiful days!

We have been on a roll of beautiful days here in Germany! The shining sun, very few clouds and all around just pure beauty! I never realized how much we took the sun for granted until coming here and rarely seeing it.

During the winter, we are lucky if the sun comes out from behind the clouds. Mostly is dark and rainy, and of course some snow. Though, our winter technically lasted until just a few days ago when it decided to all of a sudden warm up and the sun quit hiding from us!

Yesterday, it was in the 70's and today about the same. The kids got to play outside and hubby was able to get a screen hung up so that I could enjoy fresh air without the bugs coming in! Tomorrow I will be grabbing our other fans and setting them up around the house to keep a nice rotation of fresh air throughout the house!

I also plan on being outside more with the kids! Now that we can go outside in tank tops and shorts, I should be able to get a little color back to my skin soon!!! We are also planning on going to the lake for a day, and really just soak it all up while it lasts! We don't get very long summers here, so the short time we get we better take full advantage of it!

Check back tomorrow for pics of me and the kids outside! I am sure we will be taking plenty!!!

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