
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Slow Down, Enjoy!

For a long time, I have felt super busy.  It felt like I had no time to do anything other than be a mom, wife and college student.  It was recently that I was feeling overwhelmed by it all.  I won't say there aren't still moments that I feel overwhelmed, but I am definitely trying to slow down a bit and enjoy life more.  For too long I let things pile on and I begin to get overwhelmed with fear that I can't handle it all.  Though, I don't understand why I continually do that when I have been handling it for so long.

I started reading a new book.  I am doing it kinda "book club" style with another woman who I look up to spiritually.  Just the first few chapters have spoken to me, reminding me of things people have been telling me all along.  My husband has been telling me that I am doing great and that and A vs a B isn't really going to make much difference once I get a diploma.  Though, it's hard to not want perfection in everything I do.  I think that is why I struggle so much, I try to be perfect. And struggling to be perfect makes me feel like a complete failure.

Thankfully I have an amazing husband that takes the time to remind me that my perfection today won't matter tomorrow.  It is not going to be the number grade I got in my classes, not even how clean my house is, that is going to matter in 10 years.  What is going to matter is the time I took to enjoy life with my kids, my husband and the fact that I complete school at all!  I don't have to have a perfect 4.0, no matter how badly I want it. 

Due to my husband telling me, and now this book basically telling me the same thing, I am taking the time to slow down and enjoy life.  I don't want to miss these times with my kids because I will never get them back.  I want to take advantage of the playing and laughter rather than looking back with regret later in their lives.  I want to raise amazing young men, no just tame boys and shoo them into the world.  So, it's time for me to stop trying for perfection in my class and try to make perfect memories with my family.

Life isn't a race.  Slow down, enjoy it and don't miss out on the memories that could have been made while you were too busy.

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