
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My husband, my friend, a blessing!

Thank you God, for I am blessed!

I look around, see little glimpses of the lives of others, and become overwhelmed by my blessings.  I don't know what I did for God to deem me worthy of these blessings, but I will accept them graciously anyway!  One of the biggest blessings in my life is my amazing husband!

I am far from a perfect wife.  I am not a good house keeper.  I am moody.  I have cheated.  I have done things that most say are unforgivable.  I am sure there are days that my husband questions why he even married me.  However, I pray that most days he has a good reason.  He is a blessing that I am definitely not deserving of.  He is my best friend, my lover and the father of my babies!  I will forever thank God for sending him to me.

I don't know any other man who would put up with me the way he does.  Especially not when there are many who voice their opinions of our relationship to him, thinking he is better off without me.  He is truly the only man who has ever loved me unconditionally and without expecting me to be someone I am not.  He accepts me, with all of my faults, and sees the best in me, even when others don't.

He also brings out the best in me.  He makes me want to be, do, better.  He makes me want more out of life.  And as long as he is by my side, I will get the most out of life!  He motivates me in a way no one else ever has.  He doesn't remind me of my flaws, he focuses on my abilities and strengths and reminds me of them.  He makes me feel good about myself, like I am capable of doing ANYTHING I set my mind to do!  I wish the kind of spouse for everyone.

He is truly my best friend.  I have other friends, but he is honestly the first person I go to for EVERYTHING.  It hasn't been like that our entire marriage, but over the last year and a half, we have truly become extremely close.  He has even commented that I am really his only friend, but that he couldn't have picked a better friend to have for a lifetime!  We can talk, we can play, we can handle any situation together.  I think our 7 1/2 year marriage speaks for itself.

Think about it.  Everything we have been through.  Things I have done.  Things he has done.  Things that have happened that could have easily broken our marriage.  But none of it did.  We got through it, TOGETHER.  We built a friendship that carries us through the worst of times and allows us to enjoy the best of times!  

There are people who think he is better without me.  I have to argue that.  No one really sees our relationship.  They only see the pieces that we show them.  They do not understand in the least bit the bond that we have formed in our 8 years together.  They do not understand just how wrong their opinion is.  No one knows the feeling he still gives me when he is around.  No one knows the extent to which I miss him on just a normal day when he is at work, let alone gone for more than a few days.  No one will ever be able to understand the love I have for him, not even me.  If he feels even half the way about me that I feel about him, then he definitely wouldn't be better without me, his life would be flipped upside down and he would be miserable.  I know I would be.

We haven't had a perfect relationship.  In fact, we have gone through a lot that most couples would have ended things without a second thought.  What we do have is God, love and forgiveness.  These are all needed in order to have a strong, lasting relationship.  We may have gotten a late start getting on the right road together, but better late than never!  

I just pray that there will come a day when those people who think he would be better without me wake up and see that we have a strong love, a desire to be together, and a changing relationship that is much better today than it was 2 years ago.  I pray that people stop focusing on past issues and start seeing the good that is now happening for us! 

I am blessed to have this amazing man in my life.  Blessed beyond any measure for which I am worthy.  God gave me a partner that loves and accepts me.  He gave me a partner that I have loved more, and differently, than I have ever loved a person before.  He gave me the person that makes me want to be a better woman, wife and mother.  He blessed me with the perfectly imperfect man!

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