
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Friday, September 20, 2013

"Godly" People

What is a "Godly" person?  What do they look like?  What do they act like?  Do any truly "Godly" people exist or do people use that as a way to try hiding their life issues?  Is Christianity just a cover up for people to do what they want and then claim it is religion?  Why do those who do the worst stuff the ones who end up "preaching" to others?  Many people ask these questions.  Well, I want to try to answer some of it as best I can by my own personal understanding.

The first question I want to touch on is whether Christianity is just a cover up for people to do what they want and then claim religion.  This is a double ended question.  I do believe that there are people out there that do this.  For example, Westboro... I don't think I need to say anything further about that.  They claim they are Christians, however, they do not act in any manner remotely close to the Bible's teachings.

Now... there are many who are Christian who do not do that.  Believing in Christ, following Christ and being a Christian is a process.  This process goes at different speeds for each person and will look different from person to person.  There are some who take small steps, making small changes over time.  There are those who jump in head first and take a huge leap very quickly.  Either way, neither type of person is any less a believer, or any less a Christian.  Their walks with Christ are just as different as they are.

The next questions I will touch on is what is a "Godly" person, what do they look like and how do they act?  Well, I believe a "Godly" person is someone who is completely open about themselves, their lives and still believes that God saved them and everyone.  I believe that they are the people who are putting His word out there, through their mistakes and experiences in life.  I believe they are the people who honestly want to do good and live each day trying to please God, not themselves or others.  They are the people who are dependent on God's word and strive daily to be more like Christ than the day before.  That is what I believe a "Godly" person is, looks like and acts like.

Now, is Christianity a way to cover up life issues?  Well, for some, yes.  However, a true believer and follower knows better.  Being Christian isn't about covering up life's issues, it's about using God's word to conquer life's issues.  To depend on God during life's issues and to strive to do what Christ would do if He were in our place.  It isn't about not making mistakes, it's about trying and believing.  About learning and yearning.  It's about holding ourselves to a higher standard of living, trying each day to be better than yesterday and to live your life in a pleasing way to God.

This leads to why people who seem to have the "worst" issues become the ones "preaching" to others.  Well, because they know how important Christ is.  They lived the life of SUPER mistakes and issues.  They were once the person on the completely opposite side.  They made mistakes,  owned up to them and allowed God to work in their lives.  It isn't that they now believe they are better than others, they simply want to show other people that life CAN change.  Things, issues and circumstances CAN change.  People CAN change.  With Christ.  They want to share the great things they are seeing and they want to see others find that same love and happiness!

I will now use myself as an example.  I will not even try to remotely claim that I am a "Godly" person, but I strive to be.  That is my goal, to someday be a person that is considered a "Godly" woman.  I want to live my life only for Him, pleasing Him, and doing as He has instructed me.  I've made so many mistakes in my life, some bigger than others.  However, God still loves and forgives me.  Those mistakes do not mean that I am not able to be a "Godly" woman.  It might mean I have more work to do to get there, but that is okay. 

I do not what to use God as a way to "cover up" my issues.  I want to use my issues to teach about God's love and grace.  To show others how amazing God is in forgiving people, even when they don't deserve it.  I want to show others that life can still be amazing, even after they have been through hell and back in this life.  I am proud to show off my God, His amazing love and forgiveness, and how he has worked miracles in my life!  It isn't that I feel that I am better than anyone else, because I am not.  It is that I want the best for everyone, and I believe God is best for everyone!

And I know that I will continue to make mistakes.  I will continue to disappoint people in my life.  I will hurt people and I will even disappoint God and myself.  It is going to happen.  There is no person, no matter how hard they try, that doesn't sin.  The difference is that I try harder not to make so many mistakes.  I purposefully watch myself and my weaknesses so not to allow myself in those bad situations.  I lean on God, trying to follow His lead.  I no longer have a self-pleasing attitude, I have a God-pleasing desire. 

Yes, there are people out there who will use Christianity as their defense for doing awful things.  And it is those people who give people like myself, and many that I know, a bad name in our society.  God isn't a cover story.  God isn't an excuse.  God is love, grace, mercy and peace.  I believe everyone deserves to know these truths.  Not just to know the information, but to truly feel it and live in it and feel the blessings from it! 

I am not perfect.  But I know God's love and mercy, which is perfect and unconditional.  I pray that everyone will know it in their lives.

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