
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


You're driving, following the car in front of you.  Traffic is heavy and the person you are following is going somewhere you have never been, never thought of and never expected you would ever go.  You are at the complete mercy of the other driver.  You can only get to where you are supposed to be going by following them.  Suddenly, another car gets in front of you, slams their brakes and slows you down.  Or there is some road block that you can't get through in time.  Even imagine some huge accident happens right in front of you that doesn't require your attention but you can't help but to focus on it. You've now lost the car you were following and don't have the slightest idea where you need to go.  How do you fix it?  How do you get to where you need to go now?  How do you find your way?

Now, most people will just call the other driver and ask that they slow down until they can catch up.  Some people may even get upset and just get lost in the crowd and give up, and stop the journey they were on.  I guess it depends on the person and how important the final destination is to them.

I believe that following Christ is the same way.  It is easy to follow Him, but it is even easier to get cut off and slowed down by distractions from Satan.  It is easy to get cut off by evil, or distracted by things that do not require our attention.  The question is, how important is it to you to continue your journey following?  How important is that final destination, your eternal life with Christ?

I know from experience how easy it is to get lost.  To have that car jump out and throw me way back.  To hit road blocks that I saw coming and didn't avoid.  To be distracted by something that I shouldn't be focusing on.  I also know what it's like to give up my journey and just drive my life at my own pace.  Though, I realize that following Christ is too important to me.  Eternal life with Him is too important to me.  I know that getting cut off will happen, I just also know that I want to always be the person that calls my driver and asks him to come back to me and continue guiding me!

There are many things that are distractions for me.  These other cars, road blocks and distractions are things like finances, school, other people, my kids, family, everything.  These things distract me from the journey I started and make me lose focus on following my one and only leader.  I become lost because I focus on the distractions and not the path I should be following.

Another part of this too is that some people see street signs that entice them.  Like, we are driving along I10 and see a sign for Steak N' Shake - Next exit.  I like Steak N' Shake, so I become enticed.  I start thinking about jumping off at the exit and taking a short detour.  The only problem is, the person I am following won't stop because Steak N' Shake is bad for me.  So, if I take this detour, I do so on my own and lose my leader.  I get lost because I wasn't able to be strong enough to continue following.  I gave in to my own desires, and I was thrown off course.

It's still possible, though, to get back to the right path.  You just gotta call and ask forgiveness and get back with them.  Just call out to God, repent and ask Him to continue to lead you.  Just remember, all the other distractions need to be ignored.  Stop worrying about what those around you are doing and focus on your own path.  Stop letting their distractions get in your way.  I still struggle with this.  I get distracted easily, especially by family.  I allow their actions and opinions distract me when what they do and think should mean nothing to me compared to what God thinks of me.

I am comfortably following God and pray that I keep my eyes open and guard up and that Satan doesn't have a chance to distract me with his nonsense...

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