
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Blessed are the persecuted

I have always found it pretty amazing that I hear the messages from God that I need, just when I need them most.  At church this morning, I really had to evaluate things, and I admit that I am not nearly as faithful to God as I should be.  Yes I believe, yes I pray, yes we go to church.  But, have I REALLY been faithful like he expects me to be?  Have I turned everything over and completely trusted Him?  The answer is NO.  I haven't.  While I have tried to make choices pleasing to Him, I haven't completely turned everything over.  And honestly, that is hard for anyone to do.

Matthew 5:10-12 says:  Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.  Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.  Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

These verses don't sound appealing, do they?  Who WANTS to be persecuted?  Well, it clearly states here that we should be glad when we are, because it shows that we are doing what is right, and God will reward us.  I haven't always believed this, but I have really started to see exactly what this means.

Now, the important thing is to not confuse this with being persecuted for the wrong things you do.  When you mess up, the bad stuff is inevitable.  You caused those things with your stupid actions, not as a result of doing good.  I will use myself as an example:

I went out drinking, with a man who wasn't my husband.  There were consequences to those actions that do rest on me for making the decision to be where my actions were unpleasing to God.  In this sense, I will not be blessed because I faced trials, and hardships from this choice.  Every bad thing that came from my choices was not God's doing, it was due to my stupid choices and the stupid choices of someone else.

However... when faced with a pregnancy that resulted of the assault which occurred as a result of my poor choices, I chose to not make stupid choices again.  Instead, I chose to do what would be pleasing to God.  I, first and foremost, told my husband what happened.  When I could have lied and found ways to hide it, I chose honesty.  Then, I chose life, the life of this unborn child.  I chose to continue with the pregnancy, even though abortion was a very easy (and honestly appealing) way to not face what happened.  And as a result, I have been extremely blessed.

Those are just small examples of what it means.  There are much more in depth and intense situations all over the world.  And while I chose the right things in that particular situation, there are still many situations and areas of my life that I need to turn over, release my control and let God run.

My trials right now, I believe, are because I do lose focus.  I forget who should be leading my life and my choices.  I forget to turn to Him, and it's my own desires that are leading me.  So, I am working harder at this, and I do find myself being persecuted for doing what I feel God desires of me.

For example, the recent issues in my life involve me forgiving people.  Forgiveness is difficult, especially when  you have been betrayed so badly, by people you trusted and cared for with all your heart.  It is hard to forgive those who have done unspeakable hurt to your heart.  But I am choosing to do just that.  I am choosing to forgive and move on.  I am even choosing to keep them in my life, as my family in Christ.  I am choosing to accept their apologies and treat them with love and kindness.  I am choosing not to let my hurt turn to bitterness and resentment.  I am choosing to love them as God would love them.

So, I am being persecuted (in a sense) for this choice.  I am being told that I am stupid for this choice, that I am making the wrong choice.  I am being told that by forgiving, I am saying what they did was okay.  I am telling them that I am okay with what they did, and that I am too weak to do anything about it.  Though, that is not at all what my forgiveness says.  My forgiveness actually says that I am strong enough to be hurt by them, and strong enough to not allow myself to hurt them back.  Instead, I will continue to love them and not punish them.  I am strong enough to move on, even when it seems easier to punish them.

However, this forgiveness doesn't mean that I am still not guilty of losing sight of God.  I still do, and I still will.  I pray, however, that those times get fewer and farther between, and much shorter.  Because only He can give me the strength to continue to make the right choices in life!

1 comment:

  1. Forgiveness is NOT telling the person what they did is not wrong. You are right in the actions and decisions that you are making. God commands us to love everyone. Because after all every life is a creation that is made by God. To forgive is a big step that not many people are willing to do. They fell it lets the other person off the hook. But we are not held accountable for other peoples actions we are held accountable for ONLY our own. Jesus died on the cross so that we may be forgiven of our sins. How can we not forgive those that have hurt us when we look at the sacrifice that was made for us. You are doing a great job hun and I am SO PROUD of you and the steps that you have made over the last year. We are all sinners we all falter but with Gods help and guidance we can make it through anything.


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