
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Our Home School Venture!

Being a military family, we move around.  There is really no guarantee how many (or how few) times we could move between now and the end of my husband's career.  This alone puts strain on our children's education.  Going from state to state, country to country, school to school.  Each state has their own standards, each school having their own sets of standards.  No two states are alike, making our moves more difficult to ensure a stable, and optimal, education for our children.

Add to that all of the scary things happening in schools today, kids getting in trouble for normal child development actions and the testing that does absolutely no good for any child, I do not feel that education benefits the future for our children.  It only helps them take a test, to show the government who can and can't test well.

For these reasons, I decided to start home schooling the boys.  They deserve to learn at their pace, with more focused help and not only taught what they test on.  They shouldn't be limited in their development and they definitely shouldn't be punished for being normal.

Home schooling them isn't going to be easy.  I will have to teach them things I may not even know.  I will have to make them focus on days they don't want to work.  I will have to come up with learning activities to make things fun, because learning should be fun.  All this while trying to also entertain a toddler and a baby. 

I am excited, though scared, of this venture.  I do believe it will be rewarding for all of us in the long run, though.  I look forward to teaching them, learning WITH them and being there through every stage of their development! 

I love my children, this is just another way for me to prove that!  I hope to share this venture with our friends and family as we move through it!

Our start is simple.  We just arrived at our new home, so we are beginning slow.  I got some workbooks for their grade level and will work on that with them to finish out this school year.  We will take the summer off, just like normal school.  Then, we will begin again in late August.  I will post pictures and stories of how things go during our experiences!  I'm excited!!!

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