
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

AH! Pregnancy

AH! We are in the apartment and getting settled. Unpacking still isn't done but I am trying not to do too much in one day. I've done about 1 box per day, though only doing small or half packed boxes. I've been feeling quite nauseas and exhausted lately so it's hard to get a lot done. Plus, doing that between still doing normal household chores and cleaning up after 2 very messy little boys.

We have decided that getting another vehicle right now just isn't feasible for us. So as it stands, we are going to keep the truck and car that we have. But when I need to go somewhere, hubby will take the car so that I can have the truck. I just feel better about driving the truck and feel its much more reliable. We are going to work on getting all of our debt paid off this year so that next year we can get a new vehicle and end up paying less interest because our credit will look much better. It's not bad now, but will be great once we get some of this debt taken care of.

Other than that, it's been life as normal, with the pregnancy symptoms of course. I do love being pregnant but the nausea could go. I start to feel it around 10-11pm and it lasts through 2-3am. Mostly keeping me awake, even when I am not actually throwing up. It's nice that it's happening when everyone is asleep, except the fact it keeps me from getting much sleep.

I have my first appointment next week and I am super excited! I hope they do an ultrasound to make sure it's going as it should because I have been so worried and frightened. After having an ectopic pregnancy, it's definitely a lot more scary to wonder if everything is going to work out as you hope it does. I can say that I have been trying to really take better care of my body this time, cutting back the soda, taking my vitamins and reducing the smoking as I did when I was pregnant with my boys. Drinking more water and trying to get decent amounts of sleep, without over working my body. It's harder than it sounds, but I am doing it and trying to make sure that I am doing what I am supposed to do! I feel good about this pregnancy and don't think I will have any issues, though you never know.

Anyway, it's time for me to try to get some sleep! I will write again soon!

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