
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


After experiencing the loss of a child, pregnancy is a blessing. Every part of pregnancy is a blessing, even the annoying, not so fun parts. I am really enjoying being pregnant again, even in the very early stages! The only thing I wish I didn't have to experience this time is nausea. I seem to be nauseous all the time. I have a hard time eating because the smell of food turns my stomach. It's horrible.

I haven't gained any weight as of today, though I think I have lost 3lbs. Mostly that is from reducing my soda intake by A LOT, but also not being able to eat doesn't help any. I try to snack throughout the day on foods that don't have a strong scent, and on things that will fill me up and give me some calories and other vitamins that I may need. That way, when I have to skip a meal because of an uncooperative stomach, I can do so without as much worry that I haven't had enough to keep me and baby healthy.

So far, the most popular question I have been asked is if we want a girl. The answer is Yes. I'd love to have a girl. Though, a happy healthy baby is more than enough, no matter the sex! I have decided that if this baby is a girl, we are done. If it's a boy, we may try 1 more time, but 4 is my absolute limit and it will be a while before I do it again. If this baby is a girl, my husband will be making his appointment to get snipped! Yep, you read that right, he will take on that responsibility since I have birthed his babies!

I am really excited to go through the weeks of pregnancy and enjoy every little milestone! I think I rushed through and didn't notice things with my other pregnancies that I do notice with this one. I also didn't really understand how amazing pregnancy was and complained all through the sickness. I may not care for it, but I am glad I am having symptoms at all and can really tell that this pregnancy is growing and progressing, even if it is making me ill.

I already love my little nugget and can't wait to finally see my baby when we see a dr. Or at least hear the heartbeat! Anywho! here's a photo of my belly... I am only 8 weeks but already showing. I am so tiny I have nowhere to grow but out. and I love it!


  1. I've been thinking - if it's a girl, you can name her Anédri.... or maybe Nadrié. Hm... Randie? Drenia? Endari? Idrane? ;) Just kidding - I was just playing around with girl names that use all the same letters as Darien and Adrien and there aren't many options :) I'm so happy for you! I'll cross my fingers for a girl!

  2. That is so exciting!! I'm glad you are soaking it up. I really liked the pregnancy planner (http://www.amazon.com/Expect-Pregnancy-Planner-Heidi-Murkoff/dp/0761127453/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1296588888&sr=8-2) with both of mine. I loved being able to record every little detail. The 9 months seemed so long but then after it was said and done I was able to read my whole experience in merely 15 minutes.

    You look adorable!


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