
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Past Coming Out

I've shared quite a bit about my personal life.  I've shared about my addictions, my marriage and other very personal things that a lot of people wouldn't even share with close friends.  Why?  Well, because I believe I have something to offer to other people who may be in any number of the situations I've been in:


My stories are proof that you can come from any situation and still smile and have purpose.  Life doesn't end because something bad happens.  If that were true, my life would have been over as a child.  But, here I am to share about it and hopefully change the life of someone else.  Even if it's only 1 person, it is worth sharing.

Just tonight my husband let me in on a little project he is working on for me.  A project that I am scared to death of, but also very excited for!  He is working on turning my blogs in ebook format to publish onto the different online book stores.  How awesome (and terrifying) is that?!!

So, the responsibility I have now is to create a Preface for them.  But I also feel like I am going to take a little time and go back to the beginning.  Going back to the beginning is going to be a very difficult task for me, though I feel it will help anyone who happens to read my stories to understand a little more about where I came from, how it shaped who I was, and how it's shaping who I am becoming!  Because everyone's past plays a role in who they are, and mine most certainly does.

So, in the coming weeks be prepared for some very ugly truths and crazy stories that will probably stir up a lot of emotion (at least for me).  I definitely didn't have the worst childhood possible, but it was far from pretty. The past is ugly but it's coming out!

Though, I want to share about it and allow everyone who is interested to see what miracles God can work when we allow him to.  Because I could have turned out a whole lot worse than I have, and the only reason for that is God!

This will also give a lot of ammunition for people to judge and have opinions.  And that is okay.  Just know that I have come to terms with the things in my past - good, bad, and ugly - so I hope everyone reading will do the same.  Be on the lookout!

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