
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Jonathen has arrived!

After a long, emotionally and medically complicated pregnancy, little Jonathen has arrived!!!  Even with everything that has happened, I would not trade (most of) my labor and birth experience with him :)  He is truly a blessing and from first sight, this mama was in love with her baby boy!

On Tuesday I found out they wanted to induce on Thursday.  I was prepared for induction but not for at least another week.  So, the rush to get ready was on!  I had to finish his clothes and clean the house up and just have things together for when he got home so that we could both be comfortable!  Plus, I had parent/teacher conferences to attend for Darien and Adrien, so lots happening in just 2 days.

The plan was to call Thursday at 4pm to get the time to head in.  When I called, they told me to be there at 730pm.  We got up to the hospital and was in a room around 815.  All IV's and things were started and going around 9pm.  I was just hoping for after midnight so that his birthday would be 11/16.  Well, we got past midnight, plus some.

The doctor on shift Thursday night apparently wanted to be left alone.  She had them start me ridiculously low on pitocin and only increase in tiny amounts and hours apart.  When she checked me just before 9pm, I was 2cm, about 40% effaced and he was still pretty high up there.  Well, I didn't see that doctor again AT ALL.  Thankfully my contractions weren't getting THAT bad yet.  I was able to fall asleep in spurts and just waited for something to start happening.

In the morning, after the 730 shift change, the day doctor came in.  She asked when I was last checked and told her not since the night before.  So, she said they would increase pitocin and break my water and really get things going.  She attempted to break my water but I think it was still quite high and was too hard to get to.  I was only 3cm, about 50% effaced and he'd only dropped slightly.

About an hour later, the other midwife came in and broke my water with some effort.  After that, things got moving quickly.  Cori, a friend who was an amazing doula for me, came in shortly after my water was broken.  My contractions quickly picked up and became INTENSE.  It was hard to move around to do anything, though I tried the birthing ball.  The thing I found that helped the most was heat on my back.  But nothing was going to take all the pain away at this point, it was getting serious.

Not 2 hours later I was feeling a lot of pressure.  She came back and checked me to find that I was 6cm and pretty much fully effaced and he was down and in position.  So, things were really moving fast.  The contractions were REALLY hurting and I could feel my body pushing down.  It was almost time.  And that's about when I thought I couldn't do it.  Not that I couldn't have the baby, but that I couldn't do it without an epidural.  I started asking for it but Cori was there talking me out of it, telling me how great I was doing.  So, I kept on.

I did, however, end up getting a shot of pain meds to help.  I was getting so uncomfortable and was really ready to give in to an epidural.  Then, I felt it.  The need to push.  They came and checked and I was 9cm and almost ready to go.  Just had to wait for the dr and everyone to get ready without forcing pushes.  And not forcing pushes then became extremely hard not to do.  So, while they were getting everything ready, I was laying there trying not to force the pushing, but my body wasn't stopping.  I was reassured it was only a couple more minutes by Cori.  The dr then turned and said that it was going to be more like seconds, she was looking at the top of his head.

At this point, pushing wasn't an option.  I couldn't hold back.  Every contraction that came, even small ones, forced me to push.  It burned and felt like I was taking the worse crap of my life.  A few seconds later, I felt relief.  He was out!  They laid him on my chest while Fil cut the cord and I laid eyes on this handsome baby for the first time!

Jonathen Mikel, born at 1211 at 6lbs 2oz, 19 inches long and a full head of hair!  He was born perfect!  Though there are still a lot of fears and emotions, I can't wait to see what this little boy has in store for our lives!  What God gave him to us to do!  I am proud to be his mama!

And, I am definitely the proud mom, now of 4 amazingly handsome little guys!!!

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