
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Being Thankful

Yeah, I am a little late here, but better late than never :)  I've been so busy with the new baby (Jonathen), Jorden was super sick all week, the older boys out of school for the Thanksgiving weekend and just so much going on.  However, I would still like to share what I am most thankful for!

First and foremost, I am thankful for God's love!  His unconditional, guaranteed love!  I've been through a lot in my life and over the last 2 years I have been able to get through a lot of it because of Christ!  I wouldn't be where I am, giving thanks for anything if not for the presence He has in my life!  He has blessed me beyond belief and I will never stop giving thanks to Him for all he has given me!

I am also just as thankful for my amazing husband!!!  Our 6 1/2 years of marriage haven't always been easy but we stick together through it all!  His friendship, love and compassion has been more than a blessing to me.  He's my best friend, the other half to my heart! 

I am also thankful for my children!  I have been given 4 amazing blessings and wouldn't trade any of them.  Darien is my clown!  He loves to joke and play and can make anyone laugh with his silliness!

  Adrien is my crazy child!  He will try anything at least once and has ZERO fear!  He also loves to be silly but in such a different way!  

Jorden is strong willed and very loveable!  He cuddles and all but when he is determined, stay out of his way.  

Jonathen is the blessing I didn't know I wanted.  He was given to us in a way that was undesirable but just 1 week with him and I couldn't imagine our lives without him!  Such a super cuddly baby, and mighty handsome!

All 4 of my handsome boys are amazing blessings!

I am thankful for the other family and friends who have been there for my family!  Especially this last year.  Things have been tough and so much going on, our family and friends have been amazingly supportive and encouraging through it all!  I can't express how thankful I am for those who have stood by us and really supported us!  Without each and everyone of them, who knows where I would be right now.

And of course I am thankful for all the smaller things in life... good food, water, shelter, nature, etc...  Everything I have, EVERYTHING, is a blessing and I will forever be grateful for it!  

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