
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Amazing Chaos

Whew.  Being the mom of 4 will definitely be a challenging, though extremely rewarding, adventure.  I guess dealing with all of this early on, I can be prepared for the future with all of these boys.  Only home for 24 hours and already have handled more than I expected.  Though, I thank God that I have the most amazing husband who is more than willing to do the things I am not able to do right now.

Yesterday Jorden (14 months old) started running a fever and being very tired.  It was obvious to everyone that saw him that he was not feeling well.  His breathing had gotten pretty bad, though his inhaler was helping and motrin had been taking his fever down.  So we opted not to stop at the ER before leaving the hospital.  Though, we should have.

We finally got home a little after 9pm.  I spent some time with all my boys and got settled in for the night.  Just as I was going to lay down, around 130am, I hear Jorden start crying, and pretty hard.  I go get him out of his bed and he was burning up.  Took his temperature and it was 100.4.  So, not awful but a fever.  Got some motrin for him and laid him down with Fil so that I could get back to Jonathen.  Checked his temperature again about an hour later, it went up to 100.8.  Not a huge difference but the motrin should have helped bring it down, not have it still rising. 

Because of that and the fact his breathing was getting bad again, he needed to be seen.  So, Daddy got up and took him to the ER at about 3am.  I was finally able to lay down and get some sleep until they got back a few hours later.

Poor Jorden has pnuemonia which is causing his asthma to act up really bad.  He has slept more like an infant than a toddler, being asleep most of today.  At least he had some medications now that are hopefully going to help get this gone.  Now we have to worry about the other kids, especially Jonathen, getting sick.

After being up at 3am and taking care of Jorden, Fil ended up even going to the commissary and grocery shopping.  We needed stuff for the upcoming Thanksgiving dinner plus wanted to get some pedialyte for Jorden.  And that, roughly, 2 hours alone with all 4 boys was interesting.  Jonathen slept most of the time, except the feeding he had mid way.  Jorden cried most of the time, even fell and whacked his head once.  The older two were playing/fighting with toys.  Lots and lots of chaos.  Though, I know that someday I am going to miss the chaos.

Though, with all the sickness, the craziness and even the recovering and newborn stuff going on here, I wouldn't trade one chaotic moment for any other kind of life.  Things may be completely crazy right now but my boys, my life and my husband are perfect for me! 

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