
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sick Sick

Being sick sucks... just so everyone knows. It started off with Darien just having a simple cough and has led to me not being able to breath through my nose and feeling like someone has beat my face in. Even the boys haven't had it quite like this, they still seem happy-go-lucky.

Dariens was enough stress on his body, however, to cause him to break out in hives all over his face. At first we believed, as well as the ER doctors, that it was an allergic reaction. Though, after watching for a couple days, I really think it was just his cold causing it, and so does the doctor we saw today.

I, however, feel like a train wreck. Stuffy nose, horrible cough, headaches... just BLAH. You can tell when you come in my house too, it's a horrible wreck. I did some cleaning today just because I was sick of looking at it, but the rest can wait until I feel better.

Even school has taken a backseat to this cold. I am still doing my work, just not with as much effort and dedication. I am still doing pretty well though, so I am okay with it for now. Just ready to feel better and get back to being on top of my game again!

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