
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Eye yi yi

Well, poor Adrien and I have been sick for a week now. Just haven't seemed to have any relief. So when Adrien's eyes started to pus, I honestly thought he may just have such a bad sinus infection that it was causing that to happen. Nope. He has pink eye.

Today was the first experience with an off-base doctor. I didn't get to go because I wasn't able to locate my ID, but Filip took him and said it was great. Filip isn't one to care for any kind of doctor visit, especially with the kids, so him saying that is amazing. He said the whole thing was super quick and that he really liked the doctor they saw. Makes me want to make sure we continue to go off base from now on.

Plus, Adrien has a tendency to freak out with doctors. He isn't a fan, which what child is? Though, he REALLY just doesn't want any of the doctors we've seen here to touch him. I think Adrien is a little more picky about people than most kids, but when he likes a doctor, it's rare and should be deemed a good thing.

As for now, eye drops and nasal spray. Hopefully this will all clear up soon and we can get on with our lives. The weather today was FANTASTIC and I am sad I didn't get to enjoy it with my boys. So ready for no more illness and just good times outdoors!

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