
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Misplaced Energy

You know, I really do love being pregnant. The only thing I can really wish for now is more energy. This pregnancy has really drained me recently, making simple things like getting dressed seem like too much of a task to accomplish. I've done really good at not staying in pj's all day, everyday, but man it's hard. I just need my energy back.

This week has been fantastic weather here in Germany, with the exception of the really cold, windy day today. The sun has been shining and the weather is comfortable for jeans and a sweater, just nice. I've taken advantage of the nice weather by getting out of the house more than normal. Whether it's going to the park or just driving around the base. It's been too beautiful to be stuck inside.

Unfortunately I missed the Fasching parade trying to see a friend who was flying through here on the way to Turkey. I missed them and the parade, but you know what? At least we got out of the house :) We were outside and in the sun so I can't complain a whole lot. It was nice, perfect weather for the parade.

Today we didn't do much because I wasn't feeling well. I woke up just feeling icky and just couldn't muster up enough energy to do anything. But, this afternoon I managed to find enough energy to get ready and go out to dinner with the squadron for a hail/fairwell dinner. It was nice and definitely glad I made myself go.

We went to the Schnapps Haus. They make their own schnapps and liquors, which are mighty tasty. No, I was not drinking tonight but I've been there and had their liquors before. The schnapps are a bit more than I can handle, at 80 proof, but the liquors have nice flavors and most are drinkable. The food is delicious and for 15 euro, you can't get much better. It's just a nice place for a group to go and have a good meal!

Now just trying to keep enough energy to wait for kiddos to fall asleep so I can do some homework and get myself to bed. Hopefully tomorrow I will find the energy that has been misplaced somewhere :)

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