
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Friday, October 1, 2010

God's work?!

Have you ever had something happen that just feels like God speaking directly to you or answering a prayer very vividly? Ever since I decided to turn my life back over to Him, things just keep happening to make me believe he's just been waiting for me. It feels like he keeps giving me answers to prayers that I haven't even prayed in a long time. It also feels like he is giving me the peace of mind on some things to know that it isn't as bad as I believed it to be.

What is it that has been happening? Well, lots of stuff. The first and most important is that he sent me someone to remind me that he is here and wants a relationship with me. He sent her to me 23 years ago, and though I've known her all along, she has only recently become someone I can truly call a great friend!

Then, he answered the prayer of me wanting to come visit her and her church. After watching the podcasts from the church services, I thought that it would be awesome to see it in person. I was so moved by the things I was hearing, and just wondered if it would even be possible. Traveling from Germany to the US can get expensive, so it was a matter of if we could afford the trip. He answered that prayer by having this person offer to pick me up from where I could fly into on a SpaceA flight (cheap-free flights for military and their families when there is available space). That took a large financial burden off the trip right there. Then it was just a matter of how to get back and that was worked out by my mom coming to get me and going to FL to see family. How awesome!

Then, there is someone from my past that I hurt more than I have hurt anyone, EVER. My ex husband. I hadn't seen or heard from him since shortly after our divorce, but out of the blue he sent me a message. The message stated that he had been doing some sole searching and needed to let me know that he forgave me (which if you know the story, thats a HUGE deal) and wanted to let me know. That right there lifted a whole ton of bricks off my chest and gave me some peace with that.

I've had a couple of people just go out of there way to help me and really just be there for me through this whole process. It's amazing the people you can find when you look in the right places. I've had a lot of great people reach out to me, letting me know that there are people out there, whether they know me or not, that care about me and where I am headed. That just amazes me, especially after the experiences I have had with people in general. It's definitely given me a new look on people.

Then, out of the blue, a friend from my past, with whom I had an extremely explosive blow out with, sent me a message. At first I was very awkward about it and wasn't sure what to think or say. Though, after writing back and forth a bit, I realize that I should be more open to giving and receiving apologies. It's just so amazing that the opportunities are presenting themselves so soon.

With all these amazing things happening, I can't help but to believe that this is for real and that as long as I truly put my trust and faith in God, things will only continue to get better. I am so excited to see the other good things in store for my life!

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