
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Today is now going to mark another "birthday" for me! The one major difference between this day and my actual birthday is that I chose this day to be "reborn" through Christ. It was very emotional, in a happy way, and just an amazing day all around.

The week leading up, and even the weeks prior once I knew it was going to happen, I was excited and nervous. Yesterday and today my nerves were so on edge I just didn't know what to expect and even thought about changing my mind. Man, I am sure glad I didn't.

Of course, once we were at the church, the nerves just got worse. When I knew it was time to change, again, nerves got worse. When Pastor Scott said my name, the nerves again got worse. I remember clearly most of it, but at some point everything just went a little fuzzy and I couldn't tell you what was going on around me.

I climbed into the tub and sat down. Pastor Scott was talking and giving the background story of Jennifer and me to those watching. Then, he asked the 2 most important questions, and that's where it all went kinda fuzzy. I felt like I was going to cry. I was extremely emotional and nervous. Jennifer dunked me and it felt like everything was just going in SUPER SLOW motion, but in a good way. I got out of the tub and just about froze.

I remember that, but I don't remember anything I was doing. I just remember feeling like I was going to cry. Then, I saw the photos and saw something I definitely did not expect. I was smiling almost to the point of laughing. WOW. I really didn't think I was smiling, let alone that big of a smile.

I can't really explain the feeling that came over me when I was being baptized, other than it was a feeling of euphoria that I have never experienced before in my lifetime. It was like a sudden gush of pure pleasure and happiness with a cloud of calm just all around me. I heard absolutely no noise, everything seemed silent, even if only for a couple seconds. It felt a lot like being the only person in the room and God baptizing me himself. It was really something that just can't be put into words.

After, we got all the ladies in a photo that I have had the pleasure of meeting and sharing with while here, and the ladies that I feel will be a huge part of my new life. These women have not only reached out to me in a way that most people would never do, they have really been encouraging and amazing to me throughout this entire process. Just amazing people that I am definitely blessed to now have as friends!

This is definitely going to be a day I cherish for the rest of my life! I will celebrate this day with purpose! My life now belongs to Jesus and as long as I let him, he will continue to do amazing things in my life! Happy Birthday to me :)


  1. YAY! I definitely understand the "silent" moment, for I had the same thing happen to me while baptizing you. Thanks for letting me be a part of this awesome experience!! I'm proud of you!

  2. Very well said. I look forward to following your blog. God has something real big planned for you enjoy the ride. Can't wait to see where he takes you.


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