
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I Appreciate Everything!

It's been so crazy the last couple weeks. Traveling from Germany to the US with 2 kids and no husband was CRAZY. Then coming and staying in GA with a friend and meeting a bunch of new people and keeping a pretty busy schedule. Four kids, church, lunches, dinners and other get gatherings. It's been a pretty crazy couple of weeks.

The people I have met here have been nothing less than amazing. It's so weird to finally be in a place where I feel completely accepted and loved no matter my past, issues or self image. People who can finally see past all my flaws and look deeper and see that there is more to me than I show on the surface. It's just a nice reminder that there are actually people who can accept me and will, even if it's been a while since I had met any.

Jennifer has been a wonderful host! Putting up with me and the boys, and I am sure stressing out a little with all four kids. We may have known each other for 23 years, but we weren't actually friends until just a couple weeks ago when she reached out to me. So, just that she had offered to help me by picking us up and allowing us to stay with her was nothing short of AWESOME! It's definitely been awesome getting to know her better and making a great friend in the process. I just hope I haven't stressed her out too badly.

The kids seem to have a good time together, with some fighting in between. Though, when you have 2 two-year olds and a 3 and 4 year old, they are bound to butt heads now and then. I think they have been under a lot of stress from the rapid change of scenery, and from other people seeming to have taken over their house. It's natural for kids to act out, and we are all hoping that everything calms once things go back to normal. Except, things aren't going to be normal for my kids for a while.

How can I really show my appreciation to Jennifer for being so kind and opening her house and life up to me and the boys? I've tried to at least help with housework and pay her back for some expenses, but I just don't feel like its been enough. I just hope that someday, in some way I can repay her for the amazing time I have had here.

Tomorrow should be a pretty busy day, though I am hoping to be able to help her get the house cleaned up and not leave a huge mess behind when we leave Friday morning. That's the one thing I do not like feeling, like I came, ate, slept and just left not caring what mess we are leaving behind. I owe it to her, and her whole family, to do that.

For now though, it's time for bed. Tomorrow we have Bible study, got to make some dip for CR, pack our stuff back up and get ready to head out bright and early Friday morning!

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