
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Guilt Trip

I have had tons of guilt trips in my life, even from my own kids, but the worst was tonight from a 4 year old who isn't even mine. Being here for the last 2 weeks has given the kids time to connect and get to love each other. They have played well, and had lots of fun together! I think McKenzie and Darien would grow up best friends if we lived close by.

They really have played so well together. They are like best friends after just two weeks. Darien doesn't say as much about the "girl friend" thing as he had with most other little girls, so I do think he feels much differently about her than he has any other friend he has had. It's so cute because you can tell he just loves her to death, but it's definitely different.

I think, if we lived near here, they'd be the two to grow up as best friends and never have that attraction to each other. It would be more like brother and sister and just be an awesome friendship for them. It does make me wish we could be closer, for them, and maybe someday we will be. I'd love for Darien to have that close of a friend and it be for life.

But tonight, when Jennifer was explaining to her that we had to leave tomorrow, she cried and cried. She doesn't understand why we can't stay forever and doesn't want us to leave. It was so sad and pitiful that I started to tear up. It's the kind of guilt trip that makes you want to stay just to make a little girl happy.

I really hope that we get the chance to come back soon. Maybe, if we get a base near by, we can take an extended weekend to visit. Though, I am going to try to do video calls and stuff with them so that the kids can stay in touch and hopefully stay friends even through the distance.

They really are just too darn cute together :)

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