
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Getting back to ME!

I've always put my family, mainly my kids, before anyone, including myself. I make sure their needs are met and try to meet as many of their wants as I can. I help others when I can, always making myself available to those who may need something. Know what happens when you do that too much? You start to lose yourself. I lost myself, and am on the road to finding ME again.

For those who don't know, I had a sort of mental breakdown. I spent the weekend in the hospital, by choice. The stress level had been unbearable and I finally just broke. Between the kids, other personal things, the pregnancy and just letting myself stress over all of it, I needed to just get away from it all, one way or the other. The hospital seemed to be the best option.

After a weekend there, talking to 3 different doctors and missing my family, I was able to come home. No official diagnosis yet but the general belief seems to be that I may be bipolar. This doesn't surprise me at all. Though, it is hard to deal with the fact that I may now have this label that portrays only half of the disorder on television.

The people we watch on tv who are bipolar are the extreme cases. I wouldn't be considered extreme, in fact, I'd only be considered mildly bipolar, or bipolar II. I don't get so excited and crazy right before a depression, I tend more to make major life choices or have bursts of energy that allow me to clean nonstop before having a depression. So, not horribly bad, just can cause for instability of moods and decisions.

After looking back and seeing how this has affected my marriage, I must admit that I have one crazy, but AMAZINGLY STRONG husband to stand by me through everything. Even when I was ready to walk out on him he stood by me and has always stood by me. I am pretty sure God knew what he was doing when he put this man in my life. I can't be anymore thankful for him, our children, or my closest friends.

For my husband and those friends who have helped get me through this last 2 weeks, THANK YOU. It stinks that it happened but I am glad to know who really are the real friends and who aren't. I've even been lucky to find a few people I'd ignored as friends before who really came through when I needed them, as well as had people disappoint me who I believed to be better friends.

I know that things are going to be challenging for some time, especially since I am unable to take medication. But I believe that with the support of my husband, family and closest friends, I can get through anything!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know that you lost yourself. I think you've always been in a process of finding your true self. And had these events not taken place then you may have gone many more years before coming to this diagnosis. Not to mention that it's always nice to be reminded that you have an incredibly strong, and devoted, husband! Without being able to see the reality of the issues you have then you would be blind to what he has put up with. Thank God for how he allows us to go through what we go through so that our eyes may be opened! You go girl!!


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