
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Family Date

We go out often, having dinner or taking kids somewhere to play. Though, we have never actually taken them to the movies. I've taken Darien before, but never both boys and never as a family. I always worried that they wouldn't be able to sit still or make too much noise, even in a movie that was expected to have kids. That, and movies have always been linked to dates for adults, so they were what we did when we went out without the kids.

Tonight, however, we took them. It was great! We enjoyed having dinner before and then they sat and were quiet for the most part! I mean, expecting a 2 year old to sit quietly for that long is just a crazy expectation, but Adrien did very well! I was impressed by them both! Something we will definitely be doing again!

It's only Tuesday and it's already been an up and down kind of week for me. Today was really just a great day! And ending it with a wonderful family date was just awesome! I love my boys, all (soon to be) 4 of them :)

and Yes, since I haven't mentioned it here yet, there ya go!!! We are having another boy!!! I will be honest and say that I was a little disappointed when we first found out but I am super excited to be adding another precious boy! My boys have been such a blessing in my life and I think 3 of them will just overflow my blessings :) Plus, God has his plans for these boys and for making me their mother so I am more than thrilled :)

Ok, back to life!

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