
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What a week, soon to end with Euro Disney!

What a week and it's only Wednesday. We've had the sickness running through here again, one by one getting us all. It started Friday night and Saturday with Adrien, Sunday night and Monday with me and today Darien has something going on. Thankfully Adrien and I only had some 24-hr bug or something, but Darien has a fever that is coming and going without meds. He is fighting something off, and hopefully his body wins the battle.

This weekend we are heading to Paris! We are going to Euro Disney on Saturday and getting a choice between the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre on Sunday. It's too bad we can't be there longer to really just see it all but there are definitely plans to return to Paris and to make it a couple of days worth of trip! I just can't wait to see what Euro Disney is all about and experience this with our family.

Darien is super excited. He tries to play it off like he doesn't care if he goes or not, but the expressions and questions are all it takes to show how much he can't wait until we get in the car and finally say we are on our way! I should him the website for Disney and his face just lit up, brighter than Christmas. He even asks us every time we get in the car if we are going there yet. We've started showing him on the calendar and he's grasping more that we still have another whole day at home first. But it's awesome that he's getting so excited and doesn't have any clue what is in store!

Adrien still just doesn't understand it. He knows we are going somewhere and will ask about it, but not as exciting for him just yet. Though, I am sure once we get there he will be like a kid in a toy store! I can't wait to see his face light up the way Darien's did when he saw the pictures. I really just can't wait to see both of their faces when we actually get there and they don't know what to do! It's going to be amazing.

I will definitely be taking lots of pics and posting some when we get back. This will be our first real trip and I am excited to share it! Watch out for it next week!!!

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