
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

School Update

Whew, I am coming to the end of my fourth college course. While I feel like I have done more, time sure has flown by. That, and the surprise of doing so well has kept me quite interested. I have started to notice more of a slack recently, though I think between being pregnant and icky all the time, I just haven't had the energy or desire to do much.

Even with the slack, I somehow managed to hold a perfect 100% in English Comp 2 for 4 weeks. I am fairly certain that when I get the grade for my writing assignment I will no longer have 100% but just the fact that I kept it up for this long has me quite proud of myself. Especially because I haven't been feeling well and I know I haven't really put in all of my efforts.

So, the fears I had because of how poorly I did in high school have been wiped away for the most part. I need to just put in a little more focus and effort and I know I can be great at this college thing. I am excited to see what my next classes are about and hope that I continue to do a great job.

I, right now, have a 4.0 GPA. I am hoping that this class won't change that, but I am not expecting a great grade on my final paper. It's a research paper and I am not very good when it comes to researching and writing about it. I'm a much better writer when it's personal or something I already have knowledge of.

Holding a 4.0 for longer than one class has been an accomplishment in itself. I will no longer question my ability but know that it's whether or not I give the effort and do the work. Let's just hope I don't lose sight of what I want for my future :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Military Friendship

Growing up, I was basically surrounded by the same people. I made new friends, but kept a lot of my friends throughout the years. Not saying that all of those friends are still friends of mine today, but for many years I stayed surrounded by the same people. Though, just as with anything else, there is good and bad to having the same group of friends for so long.

With military life, it's exactly the opposite. You make friends for short periods of time and then one of you has to leave. While you may keep in touch, friendships generally fizzle out after not being with each other for so long. It's tough, and there is good and bad to it.

Having been surrounded by the same people most of my teenage years, I found that I got caught up in a lot of things that wouldn't happen now. I mainly hung with the "bad" crowd and did lots of partying and other not so great stuff. But, I had the same people around me all the time, whether they were real friends or not. It was just a comfort zone for me. Knowing who would partake in the parties and who I could be "bad" with was easy. The comfort zone is always nice, but being surrounded by people who weren't true friends and who used me was the downfall. They knew how far they could get and they'd push it to the limit every time. Most of those people haven't been part of my life for years, but the true friends are still around.

Now, I make friends just to say good-bye to them. Whether they leave or I leave, we may have gotten a couple of years or just a few months. It always stinks to say good-bye to the great people I meet. It's hard to do, and doesn't have many upsides, in my opinion. The only upside I see to it is that I get to meet many different kinds of people and will maybe keep in touch with a handful of them. I've made some amazing friendships, but even some of those have begun to fizzle out, those that I haven't seen in a while. I still keep in touch, and have 1 or 2 that I am still VERY close to, but it's just different.

There might be one other good thing about it. Even though (at least in my experience) there is a lot of drama among military spouses, I haven't really dealt with as much drama as I did with the people I had around me for so many years. Maybe I just don't put up with it as much, or maybe because time is so limited people generally don't waste it with drama. I am not really sure, I just know that I haven't had as much to deal with. Now, don't get me wrong, I've had my fair share of drama with other spouses. It happens, and with women, how could you not expect it? It's just not something that occurs every single day for me, where before, it seemed like every 5 minutes there was new drama among the group of people I associated with.

Pretty soon, in just a couple short weeks, I get to say bye to someone I have grown to admire and consider a good friend. She's been there when I needed help, been there just to hang out and my boys love her boys. It kinda stinks because I feel like we just started becoming friends and now she's leaving. BUT, in the same token, everyone has to move on and she isn't going to another planet. Surely we will keep in touch and hopefully run into each other again sometime down the road.

Whether in the military life or not, friendship is hard. Like any relationship, it takes work and love to blossom and stay alive. Hopefully I will continue to make great friendships and for those that stay part of my life forever, I will be grateful for them! I will be grateful for anyone, all friendships. Because especially with the fact that most are temporary, you truly have to appreciate those people and what they bring to your life, even for just a brief time!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

All that and more!

It's been decided, after really thinking about it and considering all our options, that getting the van now was just the best idea. We've been approved, got a really low rate and have paid off some debt. Why not? We need it, no other reason needed than that.

We will start the paperwork Monday, so hopefully by the end of the week, beginning of next, I will be driving my new wheels! I am super stoked and look forward to picking it up!

Today I am roughly 9wks pregnant and definitely feel like it. I've been so ill the last couple of weeks, and not looking better anytime soon. Smells, looking at food and cooking have been almost impossible to handle. My stomach turns over every little thing and once I feel that way, it doesn't easily go away. Even the medicine I got at my appt isn't helping too awful much.

Because those aren't working, I am going to try investing in some preggy pops. I've never used them before but anyone I know that has, swears by them. Might as well try them. The worst they could really do is make it worse and then I just won't do that to myself again. Hopefully they will help, though, so I can get back to life as normal.

School is still going well! I am currently taking English Comp II. I have managed to keep my 4.0 thus far, and hoping that I don't mess it up with this class. I have to write a 7-8 page research paper and I am not very good at doing research. I could write all day about topics I have knowledge of, but to have to research a topic and write about it, not so easy for me. As of week 2, I do have a 100% in the class, to include my first assignment. Let's hope I can keep it up!

Other than that, life is pretty great! Kids are doing amazingly, hubby is amazing and I am just ecstatic that our family is growing! Now it's time for me to get some sleep!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


After experiencing the loss of a child, pregnancy is a blessing. Every part of pregnancy is a blessing, even the annoying, not so fun parts. I am really enjoying being pregnant again, even in the very early stages! The only thing I wish I didn't have to experience this time is nausea. I seem to be nauseous all the time. I have a hard time eating because the smell of food turns my stomach. It's horrible.

I haven't gained any weight as of today, though I think I have lost 3lbs. Mostly that is from reducing my soda intake by A LOT, but also not being able to eat doesn't help any. I try to snack throughout the day on foods that don't have a strong scent, and on things that will fill me up and give me some calories and other vitamins that I may need. That way, when I have to skip a meal because of an uncooperative stomach, I can do so without as much worry that I haven't had enough to keep me and baby healthy.

So far, the most popular question I have been asked is if we want a girl. The answer is Yes. I'd love to have a girl. Though, a happy healthy baby is more than enough, no matter the sex! I have decided that if this baby is a girl, we are done. If it's a boy, we may try 1 more time, but 4 is my absolute limit and it will be a while before I do it again. If this baby is a girl, my husband will be making his appointment to get snipped! Yep, you read that right, he will take on that responsibility since I have birthed his babies!

I am really excited to go through the weeks of pregnancy and enjoy every little milestone! I think I rushed through and didn't notice things with my other pregnancies that I do notice with this one. I also didn't really understand how amazing pregnancy was and complained all through the sickness. I may not care for it, but I am glad I am having symptoms at all and can really tell that this pregnancy is growing and progressing, even if it is making me ill.

I already love my little nugget and can't wait to finally see my baby when we see a dr. Or at least hear the heartbeat! Anywho! here's a photo of my belly... I am only 8 weeks but already showing. I am so tiny I have nowhere to grow but out. and I love it!