
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Friday, September 2, 2011

I'm still here, and still pregnant

I know, I haven't updated or anything lately. I've been slacking on almost everything lately. I am so happily, yet miserably still pregnant, and so ready for this little boy of mine to grace us with his presence.

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I hit 37 weeks yesterday. So, now, any time he decides to come out is perfect for me. The sooner the better. Everything hurts, mostly my back. I've gained about 35lbs and it's all in front of me. That is sure to put a large strain on someones back. Though, my feet and my legs are always sore as well. They just aren't used to the extra load they are carrying around. But I am surviving and I know it will be over very soon! Then I will get to see and hold my little guy :)

I am currently on a break from school. At least til Oct but possibly until after the first of the year. We will see how it all goes. I took a math class as the final class and it was the worst grade so far. Though, I guess a B+ isn't bad, just hoped for more out of myself. Ah well, I passed and that's what matters!

The kids have been CRAZY lately. I think between the baby, being cooped up at home because it's just too much for me to take them many places by myself, and the back n forth weather here, they are really starting to act nuts. Though, not horrible, just acting out in ways. Some days are extremely hard, other days are a breeze. I guess, with being a parent, that is pretty normal in daily life.

Now, we just await the day for Jorden to decide to join us! He's probably in there hearing just how crazy we are and doesn't want to come out, LOL. Well, there is an end in sight. If he doesn't come out on his own, 4 or so weeks is the longest I will be allowed to stay pregnant :) So, at least there is that and I am excited that I know in a month or less I will be holding my baby boy!!!

The next update will probably be after he's born. With pics!

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