
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Friday, July 29, 2011

We went on a date!

Hubby and I got to have a date last night! Yup, got to go to dinner all by ourselves and enjoy a quiet meal. Well, it wasn't really "quiet" but the noise was not from children. It was fantastic! It's things like dating that remind me why I fell for him, and sometimes we just need those reminders.

Everyday life happens. Kids need us, house needs to be cleaned, laundry needs to get washed and other things just have to get done. Most days, in my house anyway, there just isn't enough time in the day to get it all done. Plus, by the time my husband gets home, I am so exhausted all I want to do is sleep. Then, I remember that I have homework to do. It's just never ending sometimes.

With all the craziness day to day, it's easy to get lost in life and forget the great connection I had to my husband before kids. We get so busy that we forget each other at times and things start to get boring or even difficult between us. I'm sure anyone who has been married can agree that this happens to the best of us too.

Then, we things are getting rough and we both know we just need that break, we do what we can to get it. Asking people to take our kids is where we have the most trouble. Trust me, I love a good break but it's still hard to muscle up courage enough to ask someone to take them. I will do it, it just takes time to finally just blurt it out.

But once we are finally out and able to enjoy each other, it's great. I decided this time to ask some questions, things I may not have known about him, to have conversation that didn't revolve around work or kids. It was pretty interesting. I learned some new things about my husband and it was kinda nice. Not everything I learned was nice but I was able to hear about and see a side I hadn't seen of him. It was nice because it made me feel closer to him in a way that can't be described.

We really should do date nights more often. I'd love to go weekly but I just don't think we could afford it or find someone each week to take the boys. Heck, monthly would be great too. Just having that time with him would be fantastic for us. It helps relax us and really gets us connected to each other through more than our kids and home. I can't wait for our next date!!!

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