
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Not very long ago I posted a "date night" question that I went ahead and answered.

- Question to ask during date night: What words do you hope people use to describe our marriage?

- Answer was: I hope people say Christ-centered, loving, honest and inspiring! We may not always get it right but God has blessed us beyond all belief! I pray that we can some how inspire others for Christ through our marriage!

Those are still definitely words I pray others use, or will use, when talking about our marriage.  However, today I heard another word that I didn't think of when answering the question, but definitely love that it was used to describe us.

"REAL".  Real.  What an awesome word, especially in this context.   Though, why would, and why should, we feel blessed that this is a word used to describe our marriage?  Because it shows that people see we are raw and open.  It is a compliment to me, because I never want to be fake (or have anyone think I am) when it comes to loving one of the best blessings God has given me!  Our marriage has been through the ringer, and even down the toilet tubes a few times... but even with all our issues, I don't want to ever put on a show that is unbelievable or false. 

I spent too many years trying to put on a show for those around us.  Wanting people to think we had a good marriage, when in fact we had some pretty extreme struggles.  I hid my emotions and feelings from him, and everyone, thinking I was supposed to have it all together.  I faked a smile, faked a few hugs and pretended that I was happy when I was feeling so dead and trapped inside.  And I now realize that no one should do that.  So, after so long of being so fake, I want nothing more than to just be "real"!!!  

When I was given this compliment today, my heart thanked God for His intervention in my marriage.  I almost cried over it, in a good way, because it felt so great to be seen that way, especially after all we've gone through.  And God is the ONLY reason we've gotten to this place of realness with each other, and with those around us.  So, my heart was extremely thankful to Him for being the center of our marriage and teaching us how to be real!  And for opening our hearts to a kind of love I don't think either of us had ever experienced before! 

Because my love is real, and because God's power is real!  And showing how real God's power can be is the greatest thing we can share with others!!!


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