
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Friday, July 29, 2011

We went on a date!

Hubby and I got to have a date last night! Yup, got to go to dinner all by ourselves and enjoy a quiet meal. Well, it wasn't really "quiet" but the noise was not from children. It was fantastic! It's things like dating that remind me why I fell for him, and sometimes we just need those reminders.

Everyday life happens. Kids need us, house needs to be cleaned, laundry needs to get washed and other things just have to get done. Most days, in my house anyway, there just isn't enough time in the day to get it all done. Plus, by the time my husband gets home, I am so exhausted all I want to do is sleep. Then, I remember that I have homework to do. It's just never ending sometimes.

With all the craziness day to day, it's easy to get lost in life and forget the great connection I had to my husband before kids. We get so busy that we forget each other at times and things start to get boring or even difficult between us. I'm sure anyone who has been married can agree that this happens to the best of us too.

Then, we things are getting rough and we both know we just need that break, we do what we can to get it. Asking people to take our kids is where we have the most trouble. Trust me, I love a good break but it's still hard to muscle up courage enough to ask someone to take them. I will do it, it just takes time to finally just blurt it out.

But once we are finally out and able to enjoy each other, it's great. I decided this time to ask some questions, things I may not have known about him, to have conversation that didn't revolve around work or kids. It was pretty interesting. I learned some new things about my husband and it was kinda nice. Not everything I learned was nice but I was able to hear about and see a side I hadn't seen of him. It was nice because it made me feel closer to him in a way that can't be described.

We really should do date nights more often. I'd love to go weekly but I just don't think we could afford it or find someone each week to take the boys. Heck, monthly would be great too. Just having that time with him would be fantastic for us. It helps relax us and really gets us connected to each other through more than our kids and home. I can't wait for our next date!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

THAT guy!

After reading another blog, I just want to share something :)

Growing up, all I ever wanted was for someone to love me. Now, I know I had family who loved me, but that's not what I mean. I wanted a guy to love me, to accept me and to take care of me. I wanted a guy who would choose me before anything and would be there in way no one ever had been. I wanted to find THAT guy for me.

Well, looking for that guy put me in a lot of bad relationships and with guys who only wanted 1 thing from me. Not that I complained at the time, it was fun. I honestly believed that "giving it up" to these guys would eventually get me that guy who would be what I was looking for.

Ha. I wish I knew then what I know now. All the time I wasted on these guys who thought nothing more of me than another quickie or just another number. It's sad the things I allowed guys to do to me, or ways I let them treat me. And for what?

Well, over the last few years, I've come to realized "for what". I endured all that mess so that when I did finally find THAT guy, I would know it. Though, I found THAT guy a long time ago, it has taken me quite some time to fully see it. How did I miss it when now it seems so obvious?

THAT guy married me 5 years ago. It was less than a year since we'd met and we had just learned that we were pregnant with our son. So see, same old pattern of looking for love, even with him. Anyway, we were married and started our lives together, with a baby growing inside me.

In the 5 years we've been married, we've had 2 kids, 1 coming and 1 pregnancy loss. We've gone through some extremely rough times, even almost ended our marriage a couple of times. We've really gone through a lot together in 5 years. I guess that is what we can expect from marriage and sharing our lives with another person, lots of events and struggles.

Now, with all that we've been through, I look at him and can't imagine my life without him. We've made it through, what I HOPE are some of the toughest things we will have to face as a couple. Though, knowing we can get through what we've been through lets me know that as long as we stay strong and together, we can make it through anything.

Those moments when he kisses me when he just came home from a long day. Or just turns and tells me he loves me for no reason at all, just to let me know he does. The moments that he comes in the kitchen and wraps his arms around me, or just takes over cooking and tells me to go sit down and relax. The moments that he looks at me just to take a look and thinks I didn't see it. Those moments are the moments that help me realize that all of my choices, right or wrong, and all of the things I went through with guys before him are what led me to him. That and God led me to him and obviously put him in my life for a reason.

No, it's hasn't been easy but he's been the 1 and only person (aside from family) that has really 110% stood by me NO MATTER WHAT! Even in those times that he was upset with me, disappointed with me or just plain hurt by me, he still made sure to let me know that he was right there and loved me. That nothing I could do would make him feel any differently. That's REAL love! Now I just hope he feels the same love from me in return.

I finally have THAT guy! and he has my heart :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The count-down begins!!!

Wow, 31 weeks pregnant ALREADY!!! This pregnancy sure has been going by very quickly, at least it seems so. I know time is about to slow down though, especially since I am getting so close! The end always seems to drag on since that it the most uncomfortable time. Though, I've been feeling really good the last couple weeks so I am still truckin right along!

He's definitely dropped, pretty low too. There is no other time of pregnancy (for me) that makes me pee THIS much, lol. I feel like I might as well just set up shop in the bathroom sometimes, but I love it still!

He isn't as much of a mover as the other two were. He seems pretty calm in there. Though, that probably just means he is going to be even more of a handful than I have already. Or, maybe he will just be a calm and lazy baby, who really knows. Either way, he will get tons of love and I will be ecstatic to have him!

I am counting down though. Once I reach 36 weeks, anything that is safe and could possibly start labor, I am doing it. I am praying that he comes on Sept 9th to keep the birthdays of our kids similar. My boys both have same month/day birthdays so it would be cool if this one did too. So, gotta get the party started and well on its way to help myself reach that goal! Though, God already has his birth date picked out so we will find out what it is when it's time!

I haven't quite reached the point of not wanting to be pregnant anymore, more that I am just ready to meet my handsome little man! I enjoy pregnancy, for the most part, especially when they are moving. So, just seeing him for that first time and cuddling him is what I am wanting more than anything.

So, 5 more weeks of trying to stay pregnant then off to trying to have a baby! I can't wait!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Great Parties end with cops :)

Adrien, my little guy, turned 3 this past week. We planned his party for Saturday, July 9th, since the weekend before was the holiday weekend. The party was FANTASTIC!!!

The turnout was amazing, so many friends for him to play with and for me to talk to! And since we did it at the park behind our apartment, the kids got to wear themselves out for a couple hours! By far the best birthday for either of my kids yet! The only things missing were our bestest friends and family who couldn't be here on account the ocean is in their way...

The kids got to play on the water slide, have cake, play with the cool goodies in their bags and eat candy!!! Of course, not until after a hot dog or hamburger first, hehe. Just all around a great time!

Since it was a Saturday and the kids were having so much fun, we hung out for hours. Before we knew it, it was 10pm. Now, I am not normally the parent that likes for my kids to be up that late, especially not outside playing. But, with it being for Adrien's birthday, the fact there were still other kids and parents out there, it just seemed like it would be alright.

Ha. Apparently we were disturbing some people. We had started to clean things up and start bringing everything home when 2 cops walked up. Someone had called in a noise complaint. Wonderful. A few 3-6 year olds playing outside warranted cops getting called.

Now, they were playing and having fun but they really weren't being THAT loud. At least not to me, anyway. There were a few times that one of the kids would scream, though not nearly as loudly as they could have been screaming, because they were playing "Ghost". I just didn't think they were really being all that loud.

Anyway, a report had to be made, including Adrien's name since it was HIS party. How awful is that??? A 3 year old just having a good birthday had to have his name included in a police report. I'm still not sure whether I find it funny or maddening.

I'm upset with the fact that whoever called didn't have enough respect for themselves, us or the kids to come out and simply ask us to keep it down. Chances are, if we'd realized they were disturbing people, we would have just came home right then and called it a night. But instead, someone had to be a prick and jump straight to calling police to come quiet down a handful of toddlers.

Ah well, guess it's a great story for him to have later. That the first party he had cops show up to was his 3rd birthday. It's a great one!