
Welcome to my blog. I try to be honest, a complete open book. I talk about things that many would hide. I feel God has called me to do so, to hopefully reach other people who need it!

Sunday, July 9, 2017

My Body is HIS Temple

It has been an incredibly long time since I have written anything! Almost an entire year.  Whew! What a crazy year it has been, too!

Nothing major has occurred, just a lot of little things.  The biggest thing is that my sister moved in with us!  It has been a hard adjustment for everyone, but I think we are getting along pretty well considering we usually fight within days while visiting.  However, it hasn't gone exactly as we had hoped and may be coming to an end in the spring.  I am a little sad about that, as I really do enjoy having family with us, but I understand her needs and those not being met here.

Another thing that happened two weeks ago was I had my tonsils removed.  While it was a necessary procedure for my constant illnesses, it has been a rough two weeks.  The only good thing to come of it was losing some weight and finally reaching a number I thought was out of reach.  That little bit - though not just a little, almost 15lbs - has rebooted my desire to get back into a healthier state of living.  I used to be fit.  Having kids has rocked my body, though it has really just been an excuse to be lazy and eat like crap.  I am going on a journey to try to undo all the crap I have done!

Next week will begin a 4-week fitness and health change (I am starting now, but the group I am starting doesn't start til next week) with a friend that has inspired me through her progress and lifestyle changes.  I know it isn't going to be easy, and I am going to need my friends and family to support and encourage me as I go through it.  I will be trying a lot of foods I have never eaten before, and possibly eating things I don't really care for.  But, I am willing to give this a try to take charge of my health for once in my life!

I want to share that journey with you.  I want to share my progress, my struggles, and my success!  I hope you will stick with me through it!  

My body is God's temple!  This is my journey to caring for that temple the way I should!

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